May 30, 2023

Some Truths.


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Some truths, at my age.

Not one person likes the way I drive. Kind of starting to think maybe it’s me. Yet! Zero fender-benders or accidents or tickets. So, put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Ninety-nine percent of the time, we have the opportunity to make the choice that is right for us. Ninety-nine percent of the time, we can make the choice that makes us happy. Our problem is not with other people, or what we “must” do, or how we spend our time, or feeling as though we’re “left without a choice.” It’s with us and our inability to make the choice that makes us happy.

Getting old sucks. But there is this magical moment when we realize we will never be as young as we currently are, this day, this hour, and that’s when a strong wave of gratefulness appears. A wave of “seize the day.” A wave of “no time like the present.” We then forget about sweating so many unimportant things and remind ourselves to keep close what actually is important.

I will take being alone over being lonely every damn day of the week.

Mulch is a luxury, not a necessity. When we can discern between what is mulch (the filler, the sugar on top), and what isn’t, we understand life a little better. Mulch has its place, but flowers, my friends, are always necessary.

Releasing jealousy and simply being happy for others with all their cool vibes, lively spirit, accomplishments, and unique talents flips negative energy on its ass and makes us stronger and happier. Period. Exclamation point.

Being sexy at almost 55 is a lot of f*cking work, but someone has to do it.

I will take being a hot mess and feeling every bit of everything over hiding from life or stuffing my feelings down with candy corn.

Ride or die friends are the MVPs of human existence.

Thanks for listening. You know who you are.

Mistakes can be in the past, but unless we let them go, they follow us. They will follow us to our graves if we let them.

Being a people pleaser pleases everyone but us.

A great outfit can change the whole mood of the day. Tell me I’m wrong.

Being outside is the only place to be unless it’s raining, but even then. Even then we need to give it a chance.

I am someone who can take constructive criticism when I ask for it. All other times, keep those comments off your tongue please. I criticize myself enough already, okay?

If we don’t demand the center sometimes, we’ll be pushed off to the left or right quickly and quite often because most don’t give a care unless our wheels are squeaky.

Sweeping things under the rug just makes the floor dirty under the rug.

I am what I eat unless it’s protein shakes for three straight months. Apparently if it’s protein shakes for three straight months, I am still what I ate last fall and over the holidays.


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Kimberly Valzania  |  Contribution: 157,095

author: Kimberly Valzania

Image: julika.illustration/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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