June 7, 2023

21 Things to Love about Summer.

I love summer.

I love the warmth and the sunshine and the beautiful flowers and the greens and the warm breeze and all of the daylight and wearing less layers after months of bundling up when it’s cold.

I love warm early morning walks and runs, and I love sitting outside breathing in fresh air.

I know it’s not technically summer yet, but it feels like it is where I am. It’s been hot and sunny and everything is blooming.

Yesterday, I asked this question to one of our social media pages:

“What do you love most about summer?”

I was surprised to see how many people said “nothing” or “when it’s over,” but then I reminded myself that not everyone is like me and not everyone likes the heat—and also, that some places get excessively hot and humid during summer, which would also not be my favorite. I’m also not a fan of thick humidity.

Still, I love summer, and I’m happy that we’re heading into this season.

Here are 21 things to love about summer, from Elephant readers:

1. “The beautiful green of early summer, the dawn walks with the dog and people smiling!” ~ Suzanne

2. “Exercising outdoors.” ~ Sandy

3. “The beach and the pool. I love putting my feet in the sand or in the water.” ~ Jolene

4. “I’m Australian, so Christmas, swimming, beach, time with kids on their school holidays.” ~ Melanie

5. “My first summer in retirement so I’m looking forward to barbecues and watermelon and ice cream and pool time and hot summer nights!” ~ Favi

6. “Summer vacation just like when I was a kid!” ~ April

7. “It’s not winter!” ~ Christina

8. “I love the green, the flowers, birds, see and enjoy picnics with my friends. Music outside. Etc, etc.” ~ Mercedess

9. “The river, the sun, & the smells.” ~ Honi

10. “Daylight, flowers, having colors to look at rather than dreary months of frigid snow. Easy to drive with clear roads. Windows down in the car, pontoon cruise across the lake with loons singing. Sunshine, freedom, not bundled up in tons of layers, sandals, shorts, fresh garden produce, strawberry season, son home from college, family time, easier to see friends with good weather, woods in full bloom.” ~ Nicole

11. “The days are longer!!!” ~ Patty

12. “Everything! Long days, water sports, evening walks, summer breeze, cool drinks, frequent showers, outdoor fun, summer fruit and smoothies with summer fruit like mangoes, peaches, berries, cantaloupe, grapes, pineapple, papayas, camping, fishing, nature walks, hikes, parties with family and friends — u name it!” ~ Connie

13. “Smell of scented geraniums.” ~ Naveena

14. “Everything! I retired from teaching high school for 47 years, so I have always loved summer!” ~ Andrea

15. “Sunshine, feeling warm and happy. Long, walks, holidays by the, sea. Drinking cider in a pub garden and an ice cream when it’s very hot. Wearing tshirts and sandals and flowing skirts. Walks on the beach with my dog and people are happier.” ~ Julie

16. “Warm sunny days, flowers blooming, days at the ocean.” ~ Jean

17. “The loving embrace of a warm breeze.” ~ Lisa

18. “The beauty of our garden, the easy schedule, driving around with the convertible top down listening to music, stopping for hot fudge sundaes, BBQ!” ~ Georgia

19. “Ice cream.” ~ To

20. “No bulky coats.” ~ Barbara

21. “The lush green.” ~ Becky


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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Tanya Pro/Unsplash

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