June 18, 2023

Waylon with Buddhist teacher Tara Brach of Cloud Sangha: Walk the Talk Show on Elephant Journal.

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

Mindful Mondays, with Waylon Lewis.

This week Waylon chats with meditation teacher, psychologist, and (sometimes Elephant author) and author Tara Brach.

They talk broken hearts, loneliness, living with integrity, exploring safe spaces in community—and stretching beyond those spaces of safety to connect with others.

Tara is a co-founder of Cloud Sangha. Find out more about their offerings and RSVP for a free open house session to explore human connection and foster a sense of belonging.


“…stretching to be vulnerable. Stretching to quiet our own minds so we can listen to each other. Stretching to speak with those that we don’t agree with because we really can include each other and learn from each other.” ~ Tara Brach

Waylon’s Mindful Monday video this week:

Waylon: “What’s on your mind right now, if everyone could take one thing to heart? Is it around loneliness? Is it around love and relationships and community?”

Tara: “I’m gonna speak beyond Buddhism to many contemplative and spiritual traditions that say, no matter what the coverings there is a basic goodness and preciousness and value to all beings. And not just human beings, but all beings. Rather than living in a hierarchy where that beautiful little pup of yours is an ‘it’ that’s lower, all life is precious and sacred. If we can start moving through life and look into another person’s eyes and really sense the soul, the spirit, the sentience, the goodness that’s looking out—that doesn’t mean that we’re gonna look away from where that person can cause great harm. It means that our heart will be big enough to respond with wisdom.” 

Or listen to the conversation on the podcast:

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Tara Brach is on Instagram and can be found here. Plus, follow Cloud Sangha, here.

Click here to RSVP for a free open house session to explore human connection and foster a sense of belonging.


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Want more? Check out last week’s
Mindful Monday episode:


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