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June 27, 2023

Why Going with the Flow is so Hard

For the longest time, I was a staunch believer in structure, goals, and meticulous planning. Whether it was my professional endeavors or personal pursuits, I found comfort in having clear objectives and a systematic approach. Chaos, ambiguity, and uncertainty were unwelcome intruders that disrupted my carefully crafted path.

But, the past two years have been quite a journey for me. I took a leap of faith and left my job to become an entrepreneur. It was a decision that catapulted me far outside my comfort zone and into the realm of the unknown. Suddenly, I found myself without the stability and familiarity I had always relied upon. And you know what? It turned out to be exactly what I needed. I craved a different way of experiencing life, one where I allowed things to unfold naturally without trying to control every single outcome.

In the midst of this personal adventure, I encounter moments of profound disorientation. Feelings of being lost, uncertain, and occasionally even despondent wash over me. The weight of uncertainty and unpredictability becomes almost unbearable at times. It is during these periods of personal turmoil that I truly understand the profound meaning of Going with the Flow and why it can be so challenging.

The Struggle to Let Go

Our ingrained desire for control makes it incredibly difficult to release our grip and embrace the flow of life. We have been conditioned to believe that we must plan every step, set rigid expectations, and strive for predetermined outcomes. The idea of surrendering to the present moment, without fixating on specific results, goes against our natural instincts. Letting go of our need for certainty can evoke feelings of vulnerability and a fear of the unknown.

Adapting to Uncertainty

In a world that often demands clear-cut goals and measurable achievements, embracing uncertainty can feel daunting. The unpredictable nature of going with the flow challenges our inherent desire for stability and certainty. It requires us to step into the unknown and navigate the twists and turns of life’s journey without a predetermined roadmap. This can be unsettling for those who find comfort in structure and well-defined objectives.

Shifting Perspectives

Releasing our attachment to how things should be and embracing reality as it is can lead to a profound shift in mindset. It calls for us to let go of our preconceived notions and judgments, allowing us to see situations through an unbiased lens. However, this shift can be quite challenging because it means confronting our own biases, desires, and expectations. It asks us to embrace the truth of the present moment, even if it differs from what we had envisioned.

Embracing the Flow

Going with the Flow means accepting the inherent unpredictability of life. It asks us to adapt and flow with the ever-changing circumstances rather than resisting or fearing change. This can be particularly difficult for those who crave stability and control. Trust me, I know firsthand how hard it can be to let go and surrender to the flow.

But here’s what I have discovered: Going with the Flow offers profound personal growth, enriching experiences, and authentic connections. By directing our attention to the present moment, genuinely connecting with the situation and others, releasing expectations, and seeing things as they are, we open ourselves to the beauty of life’s organic path. Through surrendering to the unknown and embracing the magic of the present moment, we discover extraordinary experiences and a more fulfilling and harmonious existence.

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