July 9, 2023

It’s Okay to Choose Me, Myself & I. 

I could still smell his cologne on my sheets as I sat on the edge of my bed replaying our final words in my head.

“It has nothing to do with you.” I reassured him as he packed his bags with tears in his eyes. Sometimes that’s just the way life goes.

“Babe, I need time by myself to get centered.” I stood in front of him and wiped away his tears. I needed some space.

“Let’s sit down and work things out before you go on your way.” He pleaded with me.

“I just need a little bit of clarity and tranquility.” I gently caressed his face.

“Did I do anything wrong?” He paced the floor and continued on, “I have a lot of things on my mind and I know you’re feeling the same because the situation’s out of control.”

“Please know this has nothing to do with you.” My lips dipped in a downward motion.

He nodded and headed for the front door. I kissed him goodbye and watched as he walked out for the last time.

He was perfect. Our relationship was perfect. I would miss him dearly. But this wasn’t about him. It was personal. I was choosing me, myself, and I for the first time in my life.

It was time to move on with my life. It was time to choose me.

When we choose ourselves, it boosts our productivity and creativity.

Being on our own can make us happier and more creative. It is a key factor in finding our flow, which is linked to happiness and satisfaction.

When we choose ourselves, it is a superpower.

Stepping into our personal power means we are finally ready and willing to take responsibility for our life in the way that we desire. It allows us to be with our own thoughts and discover our own voice. Stepping into our power means that we are able to see and believe in our own self-worth. We are confident and comfortable standing up for our own truth. It is in these moments of solitude where we discover our true identity and means of expression. We are free from any interruptions or outside opinions. It is just our own voice.

When we choose ourselves, it makes our interest a priority.

It can be rewarding because it gives us time to invest in ourselves and our interests. Whether we choose to spend time alone because we are energized by the quiet or we feel overstimulated when around others, the time on our own allows us to plan our destination each and every day.

When we choose ourselves, it helps us recharge.

It allows us to spend time with ourselves that is absent of outside influence. This is when we really have an opportunity to pay attention to where we are, what we need, and what brings us joy. It is almost like we are checking in with ourselves.

When we choose ourselves, it improves our relationships.

We can choose when we want to socialize with others. No obligations, no peer pressure. If we are feeling social, we can go out with friends, or even invite them over. But if we’d prefer to be alone, we can always stay at home and enjoy our peace and quiet. It gives us a much stronger network of supportive relationships than those with partners because we’re better able to stay connected with family, friends, and coworkers.

When we choose ourselves, it makes us more productive.

We are able to resource ourselves from within. We are able to decide what is the right decision for us. It enables being in touch with truth and wisdom. Being alone with ourselves and listening for the truth is the only way to find happiness in this life.

At first, it might be scary to choose yourself above all. You might even think you will feel lonely. But you’re not lonely at all. You are alone on purpose. That’s the difference. It’s voluntary. It’s the best opportunity for self-reflection and self-discovery.

It feels good to spend time alone.

The most important step in being able to reap the benefits of time alone is simply taking the opportunity to give something to yourself and just endorse that in this moment, you are your first choice.

It can rejuvenate you by balancing your emotions and letting your body physically relax. Not only does this practice help improve your well-being, but it can also improve your relationships with others.

I close my eyes and I whisper to the memory of him as he walked away down the driveway “The path I’m walking now must be done alone.”

I open my eyes and smile to myself as I continue. “So for now it’s time for me to go.”

And I began by taking baby steps toward a new path.

It’s time for me to go home to me, myself and I.


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Sharon A. DeNofa  |  Contribution: 202,745

author: Sharon A. DeNofa

Image: Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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