There are many people all over this world shortening or leaving their own lives with many health issues and illnesses, it is a disease that comes from overthinking called stress.
I am sure we all have realized by now that the mind continues to overthink every single day, and the more we allow it to chatter all day the more controlling your mind will become.
This is when we start to live our lives on auto pilot, and we continue to do the same habitual patterns for ourselves whether they may be good or bad choices.
Some of us may even feel trapped within our own minds, we become confused, we feel like we are stuck in life and cannot get anywhere, or we may even become depressed by overthinking many negative thoughts.
If one can only recognize for oneself that only we are in control of our thoughts, so therefore we can create the life we wish for ourselves. To do this we need to remember to master mindfulness!
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Mindfulness is pure awareness, paying attention and noticing of oneself, being in the present moment, becoming aware of your own awareness without any judgements at all. Practising mindfulness daily will help you to free yourself from your own mind. By becoming aware of all thoughts, you will become aware of your own actions.
It is not healthy to hold onto so many thoughts, it also isn’t healthy to supress your thoughts, but if you can become aware of your thoughts, relate to them and then brush them away as easy as they come you will then learn to recognise for yourself how certain thoughts can make you feel, you will then realize for yourself that you are in control of which thoughts you continue to hold onto.
To master your own mindfulness, you must learn to connect with yourself, sit in silence and just become aware of your own breath, practise meditation, discover the person you truly are by becoming aware of yourself.
Staying in the present moment will allow you to become aware of your own thoughts and actions, make it habitual to observe your thoughts, notice how you feel when you become aware of your own awareness.
To master mindfulness this will help you to show your true essence, this will help with your spiritual growth, this will help you to live the life of joy. Master mindfulness to free yourself from your own ego. Master Mindfulness and this will help you to become aware of how judgmental we can be towards ourselves and to all the people around us.
To master mindfulness this will allow you to find peace within oneself.
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