2.1 Editor's Pick
September 15, 2023

Waylon Lewis w/ Melanie Sue Hicks on Trauma, Travel as Service, & her book “Incongruent.”


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

Waylon talks with author Melanie Sue about trauma, travel as service, and how one helped her heal the other. She discusses it fully in her book, Incongruent: Travel, Trauma, Transformation.

Melanie is a longtime supporter of Elephant. Read an excerpt of Incongruent here, on Elephant Journal.

Waylon: “So, you’re telling the story of the travel, but how does trauma figure into that?”

Melanie: “Each stop, each village along the track, harkens back to some sort of life story of mine. Some of them were traumatic, and it was a way to heal from trauma—travel experiences and what life lessons they taught me. I’ve been traveling and doing service work for 20 years, maybe more like 30. So I had all these amazing stories to choose from, and I chose the ones that seem to naturally fall in line with something from the village or trek.”

A clip of our conversation: 

“I wrote my first book at 10 years old. In colored pencil. It was a whole story. Ten baby chapters.” ~ Melanie Sue Hicks

Or listen to the podcast version:

Want the rest? Find it here.

Waylon: “Most of us, when we think about traveling, we think of like ‘Emily in Paris.’ Like we’re gonna just go travel somewhere, get some souvenirs, eat some cool food, take lots of selfies. I’m not trying to demean it. That’s like pretty much what I do. I try to be very environmentally responsible, but service travel—how does one engage with that?”

Melanie: “I always tell people start with what you organically love. If you organically love animals, find an animal rescue, sometimes just domestically, or if you love children, or if you love adventure travel, then there’s a place where you could go if you like to build structures.”

Melanie is on Instagram; follow here. Check out news about her books, offerings, and updates.

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