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October 16, 2023

Starseed {a poem}

Little me entranced by the brightest stars of three

Why did I have to leave?

A familiar dark beginning

For this light being

On a quest 

The stress lays heavily upon my chest

Knowing I signed up for this

To help the cause

Yet scars of my human battles

Are the gauze 

That wrapped me up with amnesia

Too fluid, blind to follow, led astray

My eyes glow lighter by the day

Seeing messages through varried ways

Repeat numbers 

Song lyrics

Billboard slogans

Sage tarot recordings


Scenes in movies

Meditation tuning

Intuitive tings

Gut feelings

My crown no longer has a ceiling

Personal power no longer bleeding

My human being shows consternation 

Contrasting the deep trust of my energetic being

I have fought many times over

A warrior one on each shoulder

To the right a handsome soldier

On the left a goddess mother

So different from the midline 

To balance them is divine

A marriage of combined hostility

Years quiet in humility

Give way now to center stage pedagogy

A teacher to seekers

Gathered in my classroom

Learning beyond structure

Free from form is the norm

Merely a guide to the home within

Focused on the solar plexus

A bow to self

Drop your chin

Step with me in

The city of jewels 

Blindingly glistening 

Under fear, doubt, shame and worry

We all need to peel away the human story

Step into our power

And no longer wonder

Instead trust we all come from above 

And effect each other

So stop this nonsense of power struggles 

Identify with the fire of your manipura

Uncover your manifestation power

Discover the activation of the great animal hunter

Said to be killed by the sting 

Of one tiny scorpion

Still my champion

And where my story begins

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