You may have fallen, but make no mistake; the surface beneath you was made to catch you.
You may think you’re all alone, but are carried by life itself while you grope in the dark.
There’s so much beauty in rock bottom, because it breaks and melts away all that was never really you. Those masks we thought were, just temporary visitors and teachers. Suffering is a two-sided coin, opening a possibility for a new route, illuminating an obscured door and our pain holds the key.
It will bring us to our knees and rock bottom is where we’ll find our divine essence, the truth of the innermost self. It’s where we’ll experience our cosmic beauty and know we are always, always enough.
It’s at the bottom of the well where we will taste the infinite palette of true freedom.
Do we dare to witness our innocence, our incredible strength, the magnificence of our vulnerability, the beauty of our hearts?
Can we feel the rage in our veins, the scars on our heart, the closedness, the estrangement, the tenseness, the rejection?
Can we meet ourselves in the peaks as well as in the valleys of life?
Or find ourselves in the eyes of another?
The universe does not reject or judge. But loves, carries, propels, shines the light of truth, especially where we have lost and forgotten ourselves.
When we leap into the unknown realms of our mysterious inner worlds, doors will close and doors will open. When we truly get to know ourselves, layer by layer, we’ll become intimate with life itself.
We learn to trust that inner guide, to follow that gentle inner voice with greater faith and surrender to the ever-unfolding loving guidance of our essence.
Following the whispers of the universe like breadcrumbs in the vast labyrinth of life.
There’s so much healing in our tears, potential in our struggles, so much power in our laughter and childlike joy. And the depth of our tears is indescribable.
Oh yes my dear one, surrender to the sacred space of the wound, the light will come in with the same intensity.
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