January 17, 2024

A Story for the Days when we Need a Break from the Storms of our Life.

Exhaustion has hit me like a tidal wave.

A bone deep kind of exhaustion, so much so that retreating to quiet and solitude has been necessary.

During such times, I return to pieces of my work for solace and offer gratitude for writing and creative work as it feeds my soul and helps me recover from burnout. Difficult times require pause and reflection and a reboot, and often we need to unplug to recover.

As the night fades, my heart grows weary. I turn to a recording of a story that I wrote several years back for a nighttime reflection. I open my phone and search for the recording, still amazed that it is mine.

I am in awe and wonder of the whole creative process and the joy that sharing with others brings. I thank God for making me a conduit to bring creative work out into the world. I do believe we are all creatives and have a gift in which we can open up and let love and messages flow through us and out into the world.

Listening to my own voice is eerie at times, and often stirs up emotions and thoughts. This particular story, “Gifts for the World,” makes my heart crack open, and although I have written this story, I forget the message and need to hear it and receive reprieve from the storms that are my life.

As I listen, the emotional waves settle and my body begins to soften. I breathe deep.

I have always seen the light in people where others have struggled. At times, I have thought that this is perhaps a downfall—I now know that this is a gift.

Often, we take our gifts for granted because, well, gifts makes us different and they also take some work. Being an empathetic creative can be exhausting at times, however it is this creativity that also fills up my cup. Many of you may identify as having similar strengths and gifts, and with everything happening in the world today we need a reminder of the beauty and the strengths of humanity.

We need to speak to ourselves tenderly and hold ourselves dearly for it seems that the world is on fire—and this fire is burning fast. Do not fear, dear ones, and do not give up hope, for although the fire burns there are other strengths and blessings that we humans will encounter.

Tonight, I share with you my story so that you too may feel renewed and filled with peace.

This story has never been shared in print before and only exists as an audio recording. It is timeless and written for everyone, regardless of age, race, or creed.

I encourage you to take your time reading and let the meaning fill your heart:

There once was a young boy who loved to walk the banks on the river where he lived.

One dreary winter day, he set out and walked the shoreline until he saw a man standing by a blazing fire. This stirred curiosity within the boy and he walked closer.

The man’s eyes seemed to glow like the fire and the scene was like no other that the boy had ever seen. The man rubbed his hands near the fire, and then his eyes met with the boys and he motioned him closer. The boy walked closer until he saw a large cardboard box. This must be the man’s shelter, thought the boy.

“I will not harm you,” said the man, as he noticed fear in the boy.

The boy noticed his eyes were filled with love, so he walked closer and closer.

“Look in this box,” said the man to the boy. The boy relaxed and walked closer and peered into the giant box. In the box he saw embers dancing. What strange magic is this? he thought to himself.

The man answered as he heard and responded, “These embers that you see in the box, these are the gifts for humanity and here you see the embers of hope, love, peace, tolerance, generosity, forgiveness, trust, and compassion. And you can have these gifts,” said the man to the boy.

“How can this be?”

“Take a step forward and take a deep breath in.” So the boy did, and the magic light flowed out of the box and into the boy filling him with hope, love, peace, tolerance, generosity, forgiveness, trust, and compassion.

“Let these gifts fill your heart,” said the man, and the boy smiled for his heart was already brimming. “Now go share your gifts with the world for you are these gifts.”

The boy smiled, for he already believed.

During difficult times, pause and remember these gifts are yours. Tonight as I put down my pen and computer, I pray for the world and offer gratitude for all that I have and for all that I offer.

Thank you dear ones.


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Renee Fesser  |  Contribution: 68,470

author: Renee Fesser

Image: Vlad Bagacian/Pexels

Editor: Nicole Cameron

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