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January 17, 2024

Foresight Advantage

    Most say that hindsight is 20/20 but foresight is even more valuable asset.  The ability to weigh pros and cons on any given situation can prevent all kinds of problems.  For instance, before I give a guy any inclination that I am interested in them, I think about what good and bad could happen given his own situation and if I really want to deal with it.  Case in point, I seem to be drawn to and/or attract guys who are starting over after a divorce, lost everything and don’t even have a vehicle, don’t know what the hell they want or even want to get married again.  I try to give them the benefit of the doubt and give them a chance but it just bites me in the ass anyway.  In several of those relationships, after getting their shit together, they marry the next woman they are with, what the hell was I, I helped them work through whatever crap they were handling but somebody else benefits, very aggravating and hurtful.

            Being able to keep your mouth shut is another foresight advantage.  If I said everything that pops into my head I would have lost a job I loved several times over, but being able to bite your tongue when someone verbally attacks you makes you appear the better person.  Oh but I will still seethe inside, just have to wait until I’m able to vent to a friend or just typing it up on a blank document and then deleting it helps calm me down.  

            Thinking things through beforehand can apply to every decision you make.  Buying a lot on credit cards puts you further in debt, a job offer may pay more money but do you really want to do that kind of work, when purchasing a home or car, befriend certain people, the list is endless.

            I have kept silent ever since I was very young, my mother would have one of her rages, yell and throw things at me for whatever reason, most of the time it wasn’t my fault, something else pissed her off but it was taken out on me since I was the only one available.  I didn’t respond to her tirades, I’m not a fighter and didn’t want to make things worse by talking back, plus I didn’t have anywhere else to go and tried to keep the peace as much as possible.  I inherited her temper but it depends on the situation if I actually show it and try extremely hard to control that craziness. 

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