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January 9, 2024

L. I. P. (Live In Peace)

Ever think about when someone passes, why we say RIP? (Rest in peace). My daughter sent me the clip art for this story. It made me wonder; did they live in peace? As they are now in Spirit, all they want for us is peace, great blessing, and memories that make you smile. We say rest in peace, while their spirit emanates, live in peace. I feel we know this because of the signs they send us. Signs send frequency and vibrations that give us peace.

I watched a podcast with John Holland and Derek Rydall on emergence and shadow work. There were a lot of interesting statements, thoughts and actions. Things that really drew me in to think about. I feel as though I am a constant student. I love to get into the minds of others on how they think and ways, experiences of others. Their solutions to situations in front of them. One statement that he made was “life doesn’t happen to you; it happens through you. God doesn’t play let’s make a deal; He want you to surrender.” Loud statement there. How many times do you try to reason with God to make a deal. If you do this God, I promise, I’ll do, whatever you are willing to barter or trade in order to get what you want.

If you look at the concept of; life happens through me and not to me; that means I have a choice. I can choose what goes through me. Nothing is going to happen through me unless I invite it or allow it. So, let’s look at what we want to invite into our lives to gain peace. I invite peace, live in peace. Recognize what steals your peace. Once you recognize it be willing to wo address it and work through it. In some cases, it may be best to eliminate it from our energy. We are all a work in progress. However, I truly do not believe our sole purpose (and soul purpose) is to be miserable and defeated. Do we constantly have to be fixing ourselves? Life happens through you. All of our experiences good or bad; maybe, instead of trying to fix everything about ourselves, what would happen if we “embrace what appears broken until you know what it needs”? The book of Matthew says, “But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you.” it goes on to say, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” What if you are your worst enemy for your own mindset? How do the conversation in your go? What do you say to yourself? Are you speaking in love?

Living in peace. What does that mean? Peace defined as 1. freedom from disturbance, tranquility. 2. a friendly greeting.

We all come into this world with a peaceful heart, not a care in the world. You had no choice but to trust the arms you were placed into. You had to rely on others to learn and grow. Some of us had great childhood experiences while others of us did not. Here’s the question, do you want to live in the past or be present? There is a saying that when you are experiencing depression you are living in the past. When you are experiencing anxiety, you are worrying about the future. To find peace, you must be present. Peace doesn’t just happen. We must welcome it in. I speak a lot about mantras. What’s your mantra? What do you tell yourself when you are struggling? Some recite the Serentiy Prayer; some go to a verse or a word. If you don’t have a mantra that helps slow the mind down think about what word or phrase that is easily recited. John Holland speaks about when waking up, instead of reaching for your phone, take a moment and same “Iam soul” a few times. Place your hands on your heart and say peace and breath in and out. What does the day hold for you? If you have an interview today, what are you worried about? You could use the words, communication, clarity, understanding. What we fight we fuel. Are you concerned of how you will come across to the one who is conducting the interview? Understanding deep breath, clarity exhale, communication deep breath, understanding exhale. You can do this as long as need. You are inviting these things in; and the universe will respond to you. Another example, you wake up not feeling well. Visualize white light to the area and breath in healing, exhale healing, inhale healing etc. If you are just focused on not feeling well it will continue to grow. What your focus on will grow.

As an adult I believe I am a constant student. I thrive on reading self-help books. Digesting solutions to problems I have faced or was facing at the time. That within itself is not a bad thing, but recently, I stopped to take a deep look at why I was so drawn to this subject. I realized I was reading them because I was always told I could do better, it was my fault, you’re not good enough or smart enough. If it wasn’t directly said it was implied and/or this is how I took it. When people constantly speak over me, say what you meant to say was… It made me and still makes me feel a certain way. I have control over how I feel but I have only just recently recognized that those statements weren’t always about me, they were about the other person’s insecurities and feeling as though they were putting me in my “place”. This was who they thought I should be. I have a choice. I do not have to be who others may feel I am. Whatever we fight we fuel.

All my experiences, flaws and mistake are just that. They are mine. I can continue to focus on my flaws, or I can welcome them in as part of me. I can live in a constant state of chaos and defeat, or I can live in a constant state of love, peace, understanding and healing. I can choose to live in peace. I choose peace, love and understanding.



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