February 14, 2024

Being Single is Not a Curse.

“You’re so much fun. Why are you still single?”

“You’re so pretty. How are you still single?”

Good grief, man. Just knock it off.

Being single is not a curse.

So, please, stop asking me why I am.

Being single doesn’t mean I’m broken.

It doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with me.

It simply means that after years and years of disappointments, I’m no longer interested in being in a relationship.

I’m not waiting to be chosen.

I’m not waiting for someone to realize how amazing I am.

I am living my life, every single day, on my own terms. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I can go anywhere that my heart desires. I can do my own thing and not have to answer, or explain, to anyone.

There is immense power in that.

It took me years to heal from the trauma of my failed marriage. One thing that I realized is that marriage isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. Same goes for relationships. They aren’t for everyone, and that’s okay.

I’m not cynical.

And I’m not giving up on love.

I’m just not actively seeking it out. I am a firm believer that the universe brings us who we need when we are ready for them. I have every confidence that she will bring the person I am meant to love, if that is indeed in my future.

But, for now, I want to do the things that make me the happiest and also do some things I was never able to before.

I want to go on long weekend trips with my besties.

I want to take my girls on a beach vacation.

I want to visit my mom as often as possible.

I want to start writing my book and focus on getting my words out into the world, where they might help other people.

I want to work on puzzles.

I want to read quietly on the front porch.

I want to take long walks in the park and remind myself how beautiful this life is.

I want to be alone with my thoughts, now that I’m comfortable doing so.

I love myself and I enjoy my solitude. I have learned to enjoy my own company.

If I ever feel myself getting lonely, which obviously still happens, I have the most amazing network of friends to reach out to. They are just a text, phone call, or short airplane ride away.

If I’ve learned anything in 44 years, it’s that this life is so precious and fleeting. I refuse to waste my time being sad or unhappy. I want to live my life, right now, today.

I want to be happy and full of joy, and that’s exactly what I am.


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