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February 1, 2024

Stalking the wild possibilities

I found myself purring: an unusual sound from someone indifferent to felines. But purring it was. The cause of the purr could have been anything. Causes, when they are at their best, are illusive. Inviting us to romp in the land of possibilities: skirting certainty and the numbness it yields. Hoping we will find something more entertaining than what we have used as justification before.

Being an evangelical I will spread my purring around. The first thing that occurs to me is to place a call. In this case the cause of the purring is pretty obvious. A dear friend of mine has my number. And so when he promised a magic medicine to me I listened and procured a prescription. 

I had a handy latent, lumbering defense against his sales pitch. And it is “Neither an ED sufferer or a monk I be.” The pills he suggested are for ED. I was curious to find out what a fix for a condition I don’t have might produce. 

My curiosity normally gets the best of me, and while other people are sculpting the perfect universal, generic “no” I usually have a “yes” handy. 

Last night I took Cialis for the first time. It was a long, exciting night as my relationship with my members only club offered new perks. I will spare you the details: as you can easily experience them yourself. Should you be a male and interested in such things. Suffice it to say that it wasn’t awful: in fact it was awe full. And it was at least as much of a gift to her as it was to me. 

One of my calls the next day was to an old friend much more familiar, experienced and adventuresome with Cialis than me. No matter where we are on the scale of excitement and delight there are people on either side of us both close and far out. My friend was far out. I listened as he told of night’s at legal whore houses in Tiaujana and taking Cialis so he could be ready, willing and able to service 6, his personal record, woman in one long night. 

“Without a whole lot of experiences how would I ever know what I really like?” he said.  I had no answer as I already think I know what I like without having adventured far and wide. He speaks of Russian woman in Thailand. And how he has discovered he likes his woman short, stout, and willing. Or maybe: willing, stout and short. 

He is short and stout. If they bring the willing it is perfect conditions for romance and sexual excitement. I’ve never ventured enough to really know what I like. Instead I go, like a rabid monk for the first skinny, young, and easy person within reach. I’m suddenly curious who I might run after, getting my aerobic exercise, if I didn’t just go for what I have always gone for. 

Food wise I am adventuresome. I have eaten plenty of pancreas, raw meat, deer poop, mushrooms and more. But when it comes to woman I have acted like I already knew what I liked and didn’t need to experiment. I have an old friend who has been with three woman, and he married the one of the three who had only been with two men. Honing in before searching far and wide can have anyone end up living in Indiana, or worse. 

How many locations did you check out before you picked your current one? When is the last time you ate something you had never eaten before? Do you shy away from new, novel, unpredictable moments or do you prefer the usual? Either one is fine: it just might be fun to became familiar with a much wider range of possibilities than present themselves without you daringly hunting them out. 

Try it. Each moment is a new one, and perceiving it as such offers access to unvisited aspects of self who stand independently in now rather than leaning on the past. What is your favorite restaurant? You’ve really reached into that novel groove if your answer is: the one I haven’t been to. 

Neuro-linguistic programming explored and enumerated patterns that most of us carry around and default to. Some 80 percent of the population defers to a pattern called match: desiring what we have had before simply because we have had it before. Match results in playing it “safe”. At least it offers the perception of safety. Which in the case of McDonalds isn’t safe at all. 

The minority pattern is mismatch. And that results in searching for what we have never done before and going for it. Match is often accompanied by a passive reception to business as usual: while mismatch requires actively pursuing the unknown. 

It isn’t necessary to go to a whore house in Mexico to discover both match and mismatch. They can both be found within us. One just comes more habitually to the tip of our experience than the other. Both can be explored at the breakfast table or anywhere we are. I recall a course in which we served Emu scrambled eggs. They are huge, dark green, and worthy of respect. They are sticky to our memory as well. The people at that course will never forget those eggs. And when remembering them adopt a facial expression more youthful than rut worn. 

The second night of Cialis was not like the first. I spent it alone with the object of my desire being me. After a few days I will have adapted to Cialis as the new status quo. At that point to find new possibilities requires more refined nuances and variation of content. Breaking out of a status quo frees us to be a whole festival of selves.

And that is what we are. At our best harvesters of possibility to feed our innumerable selves.  

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