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February 6, 2024

Yin-Yang Factor

Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels.

When most people think of Yin-Yang, they think of balance and harmony within.  With Yin representing: Feminine & Dark, while Yang is: Male & Light.  There are several great online articles that has a more detailed explanation that are very interesting.


However, Yin-Yang can also mean opposites attract.  While it’s preferred for couples to have some things in common, too much can lose the mystery, total opposites can either make it work or their relationship would be a disaster.  Whether it’s their backgrounds, religion, politics, race, social status or anything else that makes them different.  Cowboy & city girl, college educated & service worker, hunter & animal lover, so many variables.  I relate to the Cowboy & city girl the most but that’s another story.

Relationships can be challenging under the best of circumstances, but what if one partner has a psychopathic mental disorder that can include many diagnoses?  When you love someone in a caring or obligatory way, how long can you let their idiosyncrasies slip?  What if you loved them with your whole heart?  When is enough, truly enough?

Can these people be treated and live normally? Absolutely, only if they really want to be.  But if they don’t and you cross their path, look out, you will get bit.  Most kind-hearted people only want to believe that everyone has good in them, but in this day and age, there’s a high risk of meeting someone with bad intentions, you can no longer give people the benefit of the doubt anymore. 

Many people will let mild red flags slip, but when the flags are waving, run as fast as you can, things are only going to get worse, even though the kind-hearted will keep trying to make things work, despite what their partner does to them.

These people will use you for any personal gain for themselves they can muster from you: spend all of your money and leave you destitute, mentally and physically abuse you knowing that you won’t fight back, all the while lying about everything, manipulating you, your family and friends in believing their sad story to obtain sympathy.  Don’t fall for it, it’s a trick that can last over a decade unless you stand up for yourself and make them leave for good, you shouldn’t waste any more precious time on someone who treats you like crap when you give them everything, believe me, there are good people out there who would truly appreciate your love. 

Eventually, karma will come back to bite them in the ass, they could end up in jail or killed if they mess with the wrong person, and quite frankly, they deserve to be locked up somewhere, away from the heart of society. 

Yin-Dark, Yang-Light, the sex of each in these types of circumstances doesn’t matter, there’s plenty of bad men and women and good men and women.  I’ve seen this happen to close friends, and no matter how much I try to tell them the same advice, they either feel stuck, waiting on the other person to leave and/or file for divorce, or just keeps hoping it will all get better, it won’t.

Although, not all red flags are psychology disorder related, but you should still use your best judgement.  They say hindsight is 20/20, but foresight will save your heart and ass.  Nobody is perfect and we all have our own quirks but be sure you know the difference between quirks and insanity.

Being a strong and independent woman with a couple of friends who are very similar, we all are now in our early fifties, never been married, nor have kids, there is absolutely nothing wrong with us, we are awesome, and when I see a good man being treated so poorly by a psycho bitch when he could have me, a Queen of Hearts, that I want that kind of man more than anything, I don’t know whether to feel sorry for him or angry that a woman like that has the good guy, when us good girls are left out in the cold and alone.  Oh sure, we can hook up with some loser at a bar, but us Queens deserve better than another Joker. 

I know what red flags to be cautious of and there is no way in hell I would ever let someone have that kind of control over me.  Keep on slithering away snake, you won’t sink your poisonous fangs into me, this Queen Bitch will bite back.

Sometimes good people need to be both Yin & Yang, dark & light and always be cautious of the red.

~ Laura Booker

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