Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:
“Every Monday, I offer a little mindful reminder for our everyday life.” ~ Waylon Lewis
In this week’s Mindful Monday video & podcast, Waylon talks about Elephant Journal and explains what the heck we’re doing here, and why.
“Elephant has been around for 22 years. We’ve been through different incarnations. We were an eco print magazine. Then we were this huge website with 30 million readers or something a month, at our peak. And now we’re a smaller, independent website that is gamified so that if you write on Elephant, you can get paid. Readers choose who gets paid, basically.
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We are a community.
Elephant, fundamentally, is about ‘the mindful life.’ We’re about all of it, trying to be helpful and kind to ourselves and then to others and our whole world, including people we don’t love or think about or care about.
We’re trying to educate ourselves.
We’re not trying to be PC or better than anyone.
We’re trying to be genuine people living a wholesome, real life. Not a perfect life, but a real, wholesome life that is kind and helpful.
We still have millions of readers, tens of thousands of subscribers, and I hope that you jump in and you treat Elephant not just as a yet another channel but as a rare community—because that’s what it is.” ~ Waylon Lewis
Your Mindful Monday Video.
Or listen to the podcast:
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