May 26, 2024

A Simple Reminder for Speedy, Idiotic, Silly Humans like Me. {Waylon Lewis Video & Podcast}


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

“Every Monday, I offer a little mindful reminder for our everyday life.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

In this week’s Mindful Monday video & podcast, Waylon talks about a stupidly simple reminder for silly humans (like himself).

“I’m an idiot. My name is Waylon Lewis, and you too may be idiotic sometimes. I just had a profound lesson, profound in the sense of…I’m an idiot and I needed this lesson from a friend, and I thought I’d pass it on.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

Your Mindful Monday Video. (And find out why this week’s video is comin’ to you from the hot tub.) 

“The profound lesson here is just a simple reminder that if you go through something intense such as a stressful situation, an argument, let alone a minor accident: take five minutes and slow down. Take care of yourself.” ~ Waylon Lewis


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Want more? Check out last week’s Mindful Monday:

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