2.9 Editor's Pick
May 13, 2024

How to Find your Voice—as a Writer, & as a Human.


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

“Every Monday, I offer a little mindful reminder for our everyday life.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

In this week’s Mindful Monday video & podcast, Waylon talks about how, as human being and as a writer, we can uncover our voices. Hint: it’s not as impossible as it feels.

“Ironically, simply getting present with yourself and out of your own thoughts will enable you to find the words that are genuine and helpful to others.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

Your Mindful Monday Video.

“Finding your voice—as a writer, as a human being—is similar to surfing. You find the wave and everything feels right on the razor’s edge of life—in a good way. You’re right on the razor’s edge of the present moment between the future and the past. You’re completely present and it’s exhilarating and ordinary at the same time.

But, you’re gonna lose it. You’re gonna fall off the wave…and there’ll be another wave.

Writing is not an act of perfection. Don’t look for perfection. Just look for something genuine. To know when you’re genuine is simple. It feels true.” ~ Waylon Lewis

Listen to the podcast, if you’d prefer:

What is Elephant Academy’s Find your Voice course?

Find your Voice is a 9-week, live course with community and expert guidance from Elephant Journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Waylon Lewis.

This course isn’t (just) about writing, and it isn’t (just) for writers. It’s about the fundamental life skill of finding your own voice, owning the power of that voice, and using it for good.

Who is this course for?

Do you have a heart? Do you have a voice? Do you have experiences? Then this course is for you.

Learn more here. Join us this September.

Have questions? Email our Elephant Academy Director, Molly, and she’ll be glad to help you out.


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Want more? Check out last week’s Mindful Monday:


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