May 20, 2024

One daily reminder to transform your entire life: #mayitbeofbenefit {Waylon Video + Podcast}


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

“Every Monday, I offer a little mindful reminder for our everyday life.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

In this week’s Mindful Monday video & podcast, Waylon talks about one thing we can do—every day—to transform our lives for the better.

Bonus: connect with other like-minded troublemakers using our hashtag, #mayitbeofbenefit, on social media.

“The notion of duty, which we talk a lot about in the military realm or public service, or say in my Buddhist upbringing…is a very un-American word from the point of view of ‘we Americans cherish our freedom or independence.’

The way we generally think of it in America is: my freedom is separate from yours. It’s an independent freedom—not interdependent, not co-dependent, not cooperative. It’s all about ‘me’ and ‘my freedom.’

And that’s an interesting notion when you think about the notion of duty. A contradiction.

So, what is our duty as human beings?

This is the one daily reminder, that if you do it every day, it’ll transform your entire life. I don’t think that’s an exaggeration. In the Buddhist teachings, they talk about vision or view, or Christians may think of it as mission.

So: what is our mission in life?”

Your Mindful Monday Video.

“The single daily reminder that can transform our life entire, from a Buddhist point of view, is we meditate in the morning; we dedicate the merit; and then we say, ‘may it be of benefit.’ Meaning ‘may everything I do, no matter how dumb or humble, or great or wonderful, may all of it, even the mistakes, be of benefit to all sentient beings’—and all sentient beings includes myself.” ~ Waylon Lewis

Or listen to the podcast: 

Think you’re too busy to meditate?

Then our Elephant Academy course is for you: Meditation for Crazy-Busy People (that’s you, and me, and all of us).

What’s in the course?⁠ ⁠

Basic meditation techniques:⁠

> Shamata meditation is simple (but not easy), designed to be practiced over and over again, whenever and wherever you need it.⁠

> Vipashyana is the basic foundational meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.⁠

> Tonglen will transform your relationships—not just with those you know, but throughout your entire life. It takes a hard heart and cracks it open and turns it into love.⁠ ⁠

7 guided meditations, including: ⁠

> A meditation for sadness, letting go of conflict, drama, and seeing through thoughts.⁠

> A non-meditation meditation you can do whenever the chaos of our everyday strikes—at your desk, on your dog walk, and anywhere in-between.⁠

> A meditation for “strengthening the mind” or “strengthening your ability to rest in the present moment,” which is precisely what we need for efficiency in business.⁠


Have questions? Email our Elephant Academy Director, Molly, and she’ll be glad to help you out.


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Want more? Check out last week’s Mindful Monday:

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