3.0 Editor's Pick
May 31, 2024

Waylon asks Ellie Laks: What the Heck is “Cow Hug Therapy” & how it can Help?


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

In the latest episode of Elephant’s long-running, award-winning podcast and video series Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis…

Waylon once again chats with Ellie Laks of the beloved animal sanctuaries known as The Gentle Barn, this time about her new book: “Cow Hug Therapy.” Get a free excerpt of the book on Elephant, here

“’Cow Hug Therapy?’ I’m in.” ~ Waylon Lewis


“I loved our conversation. Thank you so much for having me and talking about how wonderful cows and Cow Hug Therapy is!!” ~ Ellie Laks

Listen to their conversation:

Waylon: “How did you fill a whole book about cow hug therapy?”

Ellie: “Well, I have been in The Gentle Barn barnyard for 25 years, and I’ve seen our cows and our other animals do absolutely remarkable things that the world doesn’t get to look at. I’ve seen them come together in a circle when someone is born. I’ve seen them come together in the same circle when someone passes away. I have seen them fall in love. I’ve seen them raise each other’s babies and discipline the teenagers.

I have seen them gracefully grow, go through grief and show me how to do it. I’ve seen them come up against the evil on this planet, but surrender to it and learn life lessons from it. I have seen them practice self-care, daily meditation, gratitude, surrender, all the best parts of being human. We can learn from animals. I could have filled five books!” 

Get the podcast here: 

“Cows are everything that we should be and that we will be once we awaken to love. They are a matriarchal society that lead with collaboration, connection, and communication. They are vegan so they harm no one. They face their troubles head on and problem solve. Their family is their most treasured value and ethic. They meditate every single day and they’re a hundred percent inclusive.” ~ Ellie Laks

“When I’m having a bad day for any reason, I always go to the cows and they make everything better.” ~ Ellie Laks

“The reason why I think cow hug therapy is so valuable is because when we’re resting against these 3,000 pound gentle giants, we feel like infants with a mom who’s hugging us and protecting us…a giant mom hug that brings us back to that feeling of being an infant.

And when we’re vulnerable and humble and loved like that, that’s where healing starts.” ~ Ellie Laks

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Want more? Check out last week’s
Walk the Talk Show episode:

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