2.9 Editor's Pick
May 10, 2024

What we can do for Mom, this Mother’s Day. {Video & Podcast}


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What we can do for Moms & Good Parents everywhere this Mother’s Day. {Video & Podcast}

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

In the latest episode of Elephant’s long-running, award-winning podcast and video series Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis…

…Waylon shares a little (big) way we can thank mothers and all good parents everywhere:

“I want to do a video in honor of Mother’s Day and of wonderful parents everywhere, including fathers. But particularly single parents, and particularly single mothers, and particularly my mom, who is a single mom. One of the gifts of society—or lack or lack of gift—can be supporting single parents..”


“A reminder to all of us: good mothers, good parents, have given us so much. And what can we give back? A tolerance, let alone a friendliness or support for them when they’re with their children.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

Or listen to the podcast:

“My mom had to take me everywhere. There was no childcare. There was no money for childcare. So I went everywhere with her, and the Buddhist community [I grew up in] was fine with that. I got to experience all these Buddhist talks and community and other children who were coming along and when I got bored, I would just curl up in her lap on the meditation cushions and go to sleep.” ~ Waylon Lewis

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Want more? Check out last week’s
Walk the Talk Show episode:


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