June 17, 2024

20 Journal Prompts for the Summer or Winter Solstice.


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{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


In June, people around the globe will experience either the Summer (20 June) or Winter Solstice (21 June).

While the Summer Solstice marks the longest day and shortest night of the year, signifying the official start of summer, the Winter Solstice results in the shortest day and longest night of the year, marking the official start of winter.

The Power of Writing

I’ve shared my thoughts on the power of writing before. I genuinely believe, with every bone in my body, that writing is one of the most underutilized and cost-effective tools we have at our fingertips on a 24/7 basis. If you are reading this article and are an avid Elephant Journal follower, you likely share this belief.

That said, I often wonder why the uptake of writing and journaling isn’t higher. People often ask me why I readily share so many resources about writing and journaling for free. In my books, it’s simple; for some reason, most people have no desire to invest spiritually, emotionally, and financially in writing as a tool. I am still trying to figure out why (perhaps you can share your reasons in the comments if you feel comfortable doing so). Until more people understand the power of writing, I’ll continue sharing pieces like this in the hope that more people understand the power within their own hands and see writing as a worthy investment. While I’m not saying writing will make all of our life woes magically disappear, it sure can help us process and develop various perspectives about our past, present, and future.

What Makes Solstices the Perfect Time to Write

While any time is a good time to write, the Solstices present a unique opportunity. A quick Google search reveals that these celestial events are imbued with various meanings and beliefs across several cultures and traditions throughout history. Personally, I have always felt that the changing of the seasons supercharge the potential for transformation, growth, boundary investigation, and digging deep into the future we want to create for ourselves. This unique energy of the Solstices can be harnessed through writing, making it an intriguing and motivating time to put pen to paper.

Getting Lost in the “How?”

So many people overthink journaling. There are no rules. If I put forward one rule to consider, it would be to date your writing in case you want to review what you’ve written down the track. Everything else is irrelevant. Where you write. How long you write for. Using journal prompts or rolling with a freewriting style. If you have pretty, scented stationery or use random pieces of paper.

I encourage people to have a “safe place” they can return to in case they are triggered while writing. (I don’t write this to scare people but to arm them with information; if you write for long enough, it’s only a matter of time before you hit a layer that feels uncomfortable and potentially tips you into overwhelm.) If you are triggered, it’s best to stop writing and go to your “safe place,” which can be anything: a memory, thinking of snuggling up to a pet, a song, sitting in nature, an imagined place…the possibilities are endless.

Journal Prompts for the Summer or Winter Solstice (Or Whenever You Feel Called to Write)

Writing prompts can help get people started. I have a few regular prompts I use now and again after all these years (I’ve been journaling since I was about 12 years old). The following prompts will challenge you to think about how good life can get!

1. What can help you to focus on the present moment rather than worry about the past or the future?

2. What do you want to create in your life? (If it helps, you can focus on one area like career, relationships, health, and so on.)

3. Who do you have to be to create what you truly want in life?

4. What things in your life are consistently draining you?

5. What things in your life are consistently energizing you?

6. What does “home” mean, look, and feel like to you?

7. What fears are holding you back?

8. What would you embark on if “failure” wasn’t an option right now?

9. What have you learned from the past 12 months, and what can you take into the future?

10. What circumstances continue repeating in your world?

11. What is something you love with all of your heart and soul?

12. What is something creative you wish to nurture moving forward?

13. What are three beliefs that no longer serve you?

14. What do you do for pure enjoyment? (Nothing related to work or achieving anything in particular—think of pure joy and/or fulfilment.)

15. What do you need in your world to make you truly happy? (If “happy” is jarring, substitute it for a similar word like “content.”)

16. What is something about you that would genuinely surprise people if they found out?

17. What in your environment needs to make space for who you are becoming?

18. What are three things you’re grateful for today, and why? (Gratitude is the easiest way to feel all the positive feelings!)

19. Are you open to wherever the Universe takes you?

20. Reflect on a recent accomplishment and detail how that felt in your mind, body, and soul. (And as an extension, how can you continue cultivating these feelings in your daily life?)

I encourage you to use these prompts to establish a regular writing practice. You can define what “regular” looks like to you. I’d love to hear your thoughts about writing or these prompts. Share them in the comments!


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