June 13, 2024

I’m About to Release my First Book—Here are my Top 5 Tips to Help You Write Yours.


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{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


I’m officially a book author!

After 14 months, my book release for PLAY THE PART: Manifest Your Dream Life (& Self!) With These 5 Acting Techniques is almost here (June 18, 2024).

There are all kinds of births and this is truly one of them. I feel deeply spent, but deeply in love with the outcome.

I was thinking back to my first Elephant Journal article waaaaaaaay back in 2017 and how it started me on this path to being an author. I’ve grown so much since then!

As I was working on promotion the other day, I realized how much I’ve learned about the process itself that I want to share so you have a head start on a few things in case a book is in your future.

Let’s dive in:

1. Let the book tell you what it wants to be.

I have a confession—I don’t use outlines for my writing.

I write the ideas as they come to me and then organize as I go. I know, I know! That’s not what we’re supposed to do, but my entire book came together beautifully because I listened to my inner wisdom about how I like to create.

My book told me what to work on each day and that built on itself in a way I could’ve never pre-organized. It was truly an enlightened experience.

Let your book and the idea show you how it wants to be articulated.

2. Get quotes, especially one for your cover.

Something in my gut told me that my book would have more power behind it with a cover quote (and feedback quotes in general).

Boy, was my intuition correct!

I have gotten nothing but comments and compliments about my cover quote. Plus, this makes the book look more professional and connected to another person with expertise.

I also collected five feedback quotes from my beta testers (this is #3!) and included them at the beginning of the book. These can also be used for marketing and promotion for years to come.

Get social proof before you publish so new readers see how the book helped others feel better.

3. Beta test.

Get readers other than your editor(s) to read your book and give you feedback.

Ask people who you think would be potential customers for your book so you can see if your message to your target audience is working.

Ask them to give you feedback on:

>> if the message/story is clear

>> how it reads (do you come across as with them on the journey or a know-it-all?)

>> any edits others may have missed (new eyes are a wonder on your work!)

>> how it made them feel

>> how it changed their perspective or something new they learned

Beta testers are a goldmine because they become your first fans and will usually help you promote.

If you include a Thank You section in your book, this is a great place to add their names and businesses so they have a vested interest in helping you sell more books.

Beta testing is a win-win.

4. Don’t ignore the publishing stuff.

My two biggest pieces of advice for this part are to take care of your Library of Congress application and registration and your ISBN purchase and registration sooner than you think.

Registering your work with the Library of Congress will make you feel better and give you legal protection in case you catch any sticky fingers on your work. They also send you a fancy certificate!

Your ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is also crucial. Please note that the info you use to register an ISBN must match exactly to your preferred publishing platform. If there is even a case size off, it will not go through.

Do research on all of this before it’s time to take these steps. Be prepared so you have all the information you need to register your publishing rights.

5. Do energy work around your book and audience.

Have you heard the news?

Everything is energy.

The idea that came to you for the book is energy. The way it gets manifested is energy. And the consciousness around your book’s success is also energy.

Decide from the start that your book is already a success.

Decide right now that it is financially changing your life.

Decide it reaches the exact people it’s meant to reach.

Decide all technology for your book works in your favor.

Decide your book is powerful and worthy.

I hope these tips help you!


{Please consider Boosting our authors’ articles in their first week to help them win Elephant’s Ecosystem so they can get paid and write more.}


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