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2 days ago

Video: How I feel after that Debate. ~ Waylon Lewis {+ Podcast}


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For many years, whenever we dare talk about politics, we get the same comments: stay in your lane. Shut up. Be inspiring. Elephant’s not about this.

I reply…

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

In the latest episode of Elephant’s long-running, award-winning podcast and video series Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis…

Waylon shares his views after the June 27th Presidential debate with President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. He also addresses the common comments he, and Elephant Journal, field after sharing political articles and social media posts and why we do what we do. 

Hint: it’s because we care.

“Anyone in your life who tells you to stay in your lane, maybe they shouldn’t be in your life.

That’s just a word to the wise.

So what is our lane here at Elephant Journal? Our lane is caring about the world, caring about climate, caring about equal rights, caring about women’s rights, caring about healthcare, caring about…everything. We’ve always covered politics and we always will—because we care.” ~ Waylon Lewis

“We are electing a human being. Human beings get nervous. They get tired, they have a cold, they can’t finish a sentence.” ~ Waylon Lewis (who can’t always finish his sentence, see above) 


“Too much of America, too much of this world…we’re just looking for looks. We’re looking for charm. We’re looking for bluster. We’re looking for confidence. When really this is a relationship for our whole country and what we should be looking for is integrity, decency, caring.” ~ Waylon Lewis

Get the podcast here: 

Reader Comments: 

“I feel the same way. Thank you for sharing and for ‘staying in your lane.’ Much appreciated.” 

“Dictators come across as confident and do we really want that? Some people’s values or lack there of makes me sad.”

“So many people miss that elections should be about voting for a candidate whose positions on key policy matters and issues most closely align with their own values and positions. I don’t need a cult of personality; I need someone who can enact meaningful legislation to make the majority of every day Americans lives better.”


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Want more? Check out last week’s
Walk the Talk Show episode:

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