July 14, 2024

Even Amid an Assassination Attempt, I Still Choose Love.

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My heart aches for our country right now.

My heart aches because we have citizens who feel that violence is an answer.

My heart aches because not everyone is sad or angry about the attempted assassination.

My heart aches because this senseless event is added to the volume of things we use to choose sides.

My heart aches to see anyone comment, “He deserved it.”

My heart aches to know the physical and emotional pain that our former president endured.

My heart aches for the young man who gave his life acting from a place of hate.

My heart aches for the parents of the young man who will receive a life-changing phone call.

My heart aches for the other citizens killed and injured in this attack.

My heart aches for the families of anyone lost or traumatized yesterday.

My heart aches for the security personnel who had to put their own lives in danger to protect and serve.

My heart aches because violent acts are not unexpected in this country.

My heart aches knowing this event will likely tear the country apart, not bring us together.

My heart aches knowing that the media on both sides will use pieces of the story to feed an already-planned narrative.

My heart aches to know our media chooses sides.

My heart aches knowing that the narrative will remain political when it should be human-centered.

My heart aches.
And aches.
And aches.

But while my heart is aching, I will not let it close.

I will choose to feel all this pain and transmute it into love.

I will send love to a presidential candidate who has different political views than my own.

I will send love to all my fellow citizens—those who are angry, those who are celebrating, those who are sad like me, and those feeling any other emotion.

I will send love to the young men and women who have been misguided into believing that violence is ever an answer.

I will send love to all individuals affected by this tragedy.

I will send love to the members of the media.

I will send love to a broken political system.

I will send love to send love because I know that love overpowers hate.

So I offer these words of metta to all my fellow beings:

May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be safe.
May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature.
May all beings be free.

I sincerely wish that we all dare to choose love in the face of darkness.


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