August 27, 2024

62 Songs to help us Survive & Celebrate this Election Season.

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}

More mindful election coverage from Elephant:
>> Seven Reasons I’m delighted with Kamala Harris’ pick for VP. LFG!
>> With Biden’s exit, a few helpful thoughts.
>> 16 Distinct Minnesotan Words & Phrases you may hear from the “Folksy” Governor Tim Walz.

“I need the playlist from the DNC Roll Call. And that’s a sentence I never thought I’d say.” is the text that I sent my brother, and I was entirely serious.

Who had “DNC Roll Call Dance Party” on their 2024 bingo card because I seriously, seriously did not. I mean, I’m a political nerd and having the DNC Roll Call playing in the background was not unusual for me.

I was in the kitchen cooking, listening as I gathered ingredients. Occasionally glancing at the TV.

But this was no normal roll call, as I’m sure you’ve heard by now. It was a freakin’ party. It was fun to listen to the excitement and enthusiasm in the voices of those on camera…but once the music hit? The kitchen dancing started. And when I heard the voice of Lil Jon and the crowd erupted? My Millennial self was in it. Sold. Lock, stock, and barrel.

The usual roll call was led by a DJ (DJ Cassidy), with a song uniquely chosen by each state to represent them as they introduced themselves to the country and stated their vote. You can watch it here if you somehow missed it.

It may not have been a normal roll call but it was what the moment called for.

So often, it’s music that speaks to us and touches us in moments of great importance.

My Threads post of the night says how I was feeling:

I needed that playlist. I coveted that playlist. I was desperate for that playlist.

Guess what, folks: the playlist has arrived.

Let this be your election season sound as we get out the vote and make our voices heard, even in song. Because this is a list of music for this election season that binds us together in the way that only music can.

Head here for a list pulled together by NPR of each song played by every state with a (possible) reasoning behind why it was chosen.

And here, without further ado, is the playlist that will give hope for a united country as you kitchen dance your way through it:

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Molly Murphy  |  Contribution: 111,235

author: Molly Murphy

Image: DemConvention/Spotify

Image: @shebelievedandsoshedid/Threads

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