October 19, 2024

After the Honeymoon, Healthcare, Hospital…and Teamwork. ~ Waylon

Kelsey spent 9.5 hours in the ER today, after our visit to Urgent Care. She’s spending the night in the hospital, on a nicer wing than the ER that reflects things have taken a better turn but are still, as one doctor put it, “legit pneumonia.”

Turns out after Leo was sick when we picked him up though on the mend…then her and then me getting sick this week, and Leo and I getting mostly better…she got pneumonia. Nausea, pain breathing, rough for last day or two. So glad she got insurance through mine only a few months ago after many years of not having it

[lesson: vote for those who support healthcare, health should not be a privilege of the rich, today would have easily cost $5,000 plus overnight and tomorrow being much more without coverage)…

…and so glad she insisted on going to Urgent Care. After most of my life not having healthcare coverage, I try to ride things out.

She’s stabilized better now thanks to her bravery and steadiness and the Boulder Community Hospital folks–the majority of whom were not only skilled but kind, personal (two were the opposite, downright rude).

Her little Leo was a darling fun low-maintenance pal all day, amazing at 4.5 years old. We had a lot of fun, and he helped me as I ran around doing everything I could. For myself, proud of myself despite being tired and still sick that I showed up fully and did everything and well and caringly I could for my love, including bedtime back home with Leo and potty stuff and brushing teeth and driving about as I’ve tried to do well last few days for my wife (!), and she did for me on the first day I got really sick and was down and out and she was feeling better that day.

Thanks too to Kelsey’s family for great doctorly advice, and Leo’s papa understanding and care, and my Dr. Tusek’s advice, and dearest neighbors for tea, bringing their dogs by to play with Winnie, and thanks to lonely Winnie for going without fun or routine for so many hours. A lot of thank yous though this ain’t the Oscars…and boy is sure ain’t our honeymoon anymore. This is real life—and I love you, Kelsey! See you in the morning!

Photo: Leo and a volunteer hospital cheerer-upper pooch saying hi to each other.

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