November 12, 2024

Musings on the U.S. Election from Down Under.

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I am not American. Nor do I like politics; in fact, I despise what a good number of politicians stand for.

And I don’t claim to know the ins and outs of the American political landscape. But I do wonder—actually, I deeply contemplate—that in a country of some 345 million people, is Trump really the best the country has to offer?

Love him or hate him, is he really the best leader of the “so-called” free world?

Everyone has an opinion, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I do wonder what attracts so many people, especially women, to vote for a man who has misogyny dripping from his being. He’s loud. He’s crude. He’s proven he can’t lie straight in bed. He’s a bully. And to top the cake off with a good dose of toxic icing, guaranteed to make those with even the strongest stomachs sick, he’s a convicted felon.

How did we get here? Is it a case of overlooking everything he stands for because he says one or two things that trigger fear in people? Is it because he preys on people’s vulnerabilities? Are we still so conditioned by the patriarchy that we blindly believe the most outlandish promises because he’s a white man?

He stands for everything I loathe. Loud men who feel entitled and are driven by ego. Men who talk over the top of women. Men who see themselves as superior and their beliefs as more important than anyone else’s. Men drenched in the patriarchy and want to take us back and reduce women’s choices. Men who never take responsibility for their actions. Bullies with a God complex.

I don’t want to argue with people. And no doubt this post will get blown up with people wanting to abuse me because my opinion doesn’t agree with theirs. I view from afar, and in all honesty and much respect to my American friends, I’m so glad I don’t live there. From where I stand, it seems the United States is going backwards. We can’t go forwards when there’s someone who now holds so much power yet so little respect for people. So little respect for women.

And, I again ask with curiosity, is this really the best there is?

Don’t get me wrong—there’s plenty of issues with politics in Australia as well. I find politicians to be the most self-serving, egotistical people there are. Perhaps they don’t start out that way, but they certainly end up that way. They lie. They repeatedly lie and nobody holds them to account. They promise things they never deliver and nobody holds them to account. They make decisions that they have no right to make and in the process ruin people’s lives. They waste our money. No matter the political party you follow, in the end, they serve themselves.

And what’s worst of all is the fighting, bullying, and hatred as people turn against each other over a bloody vote. Social media has been a sh*tshow in the lead up to the election. The media escalating the circus and people eating it up like it’s gospel.

You can have your perspective and make your choices without blindly believing every ridiculous thing that comes out of someone’s mouth. What happened to having a balanced view? What happened to common sense? A blustering man who loves to bully and intimidate, with a history of lying, says whatever outlandish thing pops into his head and half the population loses all logic. Even if you like the man, surely as an adult with the ability to reason and rationalise, you would agree some of what he says is bloody ridiculous!

And you can still be friends with those that have a differing opinion. Hating or bullying someone who thinks differently to you is a reflection of your emotional intelligence.

I hope the U.S. people have made the right choice because from where I’m sitting, it looks a little frightening. Especially when it comes to women’s bodies and right to choose. Whatever side of the fence you sit on regarding abortion is fine, and you should happily sit on that side of the fence, without involving yourself with those sitting on the opposite side. What someone on the opposite side chooses to do with their body has nothing to do with you. And nobody has a right to tell someone else what they can and can’t do. Your religious beliefs and your perspectives are yours and have no value on another person. And before anyone says this is up to each state, that’s also irrelevant because a country should be united.

Why are we never trying to control a man’s body? Why are there not separate laws in each state forcing vasectomies to all men who father children and abandon them? Not ready for this conversation are we?

So there we have it, in a population of some 345 million people, it seems the only option for one of the most powerful positions in the world is a convicted felon, with a history of subpar behaviour, who can now use his power to benefit himself. Was there really nobody more educated? More compassionate? More respectful? Someone who can actually speak in a dignified way without denigrating others? Was there really nobody else without convictions? How did we get here?

Maybe he will surprise me, and if he does, I will stand corrected. But maybe he will greatly disappoint the masses; either way, the world is in for one hell of a roller-coaster ride. Let’s hope the decisions he makes do not destroy people. And let’s hope the world will be a better place in four years.

Love him or hate him, he cannot possibly be the best your country has. He cannot possibly be the best representation to stand on the world stage. Out of all those 345 million people, you chose a convicted felon and handed him the most powerful position in the world. The collective grief from those of us who aren’t so blinded is hard to process. And whilst I’m somewhat removed from it, I fear what may happen next.

I pray you made the right decision because if you didn’t, the whole world will be affected. And women will lose more and more rights. As a woman that’s terrifying, and as a man who loves the women in their lives, you too should be terrified.

I respect your decision to vote for him. I hope you won’t regret it.



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