December 11, 2024

Earthling Ed explains why Regenerative Agriculture is Bullshit.

Rationalization gone wild.

Here’s a simple explanation for those of you who are honestly confused.

Leave the land alone, and it’ll absorb more carbon. Graze on it, even with rotation and mixing in various species, and you’ll reduce biodiversity while creating a net-carbon gain situation.

PS: all my friends who say they love organic, small farms, regenerative…always get the dairy and cheese and meat when we eat out, or at cafes.

My conversation with Regenerative icon Joel Salatin, 9 years ago, at Slow Money. Again: Regenerative is better than factory farming, but still murder and torture and climate heating. It’s not practical or affordable for the masses, or truly climate cooling, but definitely better!

I think about the importance of going vegan more, now, given that we have just re-elevated the worst among us to a position of power and leadership. ⁠


Talking about meat-eating and veganism is…weird. Meat eaters get offended at any degree of anger or upset in the vegan. ⁠

And yet full-on aggression, torture, murder of our dear animal friends…all these things are just normalized. ⁠

We can be intellectually-curious about our “why I eat meat” contemplations. Even at their best, on a bucolic small farm (small farms are rare, and you’re not eating from them at 99% of restaurants or cafes), meat and dairy are torture, and not truly regenerative⁠

And if meat and cheese tasted like poop, I always say, all the arguments for it would just…go away! So let’s start with honesty: most meat-eating is simply about taste. Most dairy consumption is simply about habit. ⁠

In this world full of aggression and climate crisis, being vegan is an easy, yummy, healthy way to heal and cool our earth, and take aggression out of our societies and your body. ⁠

And if you want to save our planet, go vegan. Something like 85% of the plants grown, and jungles and forests cleared, are to feed animal ag. Soy and veg is almost all grown for the animals we choose to torture, then murder, and steal away their young—not for we humans. Meat is really inefficient calorie-wise. ⁠

Being vegan is a way to show up fully, three times a day, with love.

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