September 12, 2015

If this is the Real Stephen Colbert, I’ll be watching every night.

colbert biden

Heartbroken service.


A show based on “sincerity rather than cynicism.”

“I’ve never made a point to watch a late night talk show until now.”

“It was amazing and heartfelt and just so much more human than we are all used to from our political leaders.”

Colbert just had a personal, genuine, heartbreaking and brave long conversation with VP Biden about his son’s death, faith, and whether he’d run for President. With a good five minutes of silence on Colbert’s end while he, and we, listened to Biden discuss his son.

A top youtube comment: “Joe went completely off-script here. And Colbert made a decision that starts to shape his style in late night and he let him talk. his. bloody. heart out.
Bravo, Colbert. Most other late-night comedians would get antsy with no laughter from the audience and either throw in a joke to lighten the mood or refer to the cue cards for another dumb, network-appeasing, late-night-talk-show question. But not you, Stephen. Not. You…”

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