March 19, 2009

Book Review: Less: Accomplishing More by Doing Less (Marc Lesser)

In Western society, we tend to associate being busy with being important.  We try to stay connected to something, anything, all of the time as a means to stay “hip” or show others how much we matter, but in the long run, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves.  For all of our busyness, how much are we really accomplishing, and how well is it getting done?  Through Less: Accomplishing More By Doing Less, Marc Lesser attempts to address and correct that situation.  Less is an insightful book offering suggestions and tips to help us become more focused and more mindful in both our personal and professional lives.  Through his “Less Manifesto,” Lesser encourages the reader not do less, but to engage less in habits that lead us toward self-limiting and self-defeating behaviors as a means to greater productivity and personal development.  A bit more than self-help but much less than New Age spiritual hippie-dippiness, Lesser is able to get his point across in a way that will make the reader pause, think, and perhaps start to do a bit less.  From New World Library and available from your local, independent bookstore.  (Tell ’em you saw it on Elephant Journal!)

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