September 28, 2015

Feeling Caged? It’s Time to Break Free.


Gazing out the window I hear whispers from the wise old trees, see enchantment glint the misty air.

I’ve been craving freedom. Aching for wilderness. Starving for sensations.

I’ve been tired and struggling.

I’ve merely existed, lately.

Counting heartbeats to pass the day.

I know there’s more. I’m hungry. I have no choice.

I have to pierce my own bubble and escape this sheltered life.

I want to live in a nameless, ageless, timeless world… I have to be fearless. I don’t align here, I don’t fit in, I cannot blend…nothing makes sense.

I must remove the chains bound tightly and lose myself, throw out my cares. I need to stretch the thoughts that coil me then remove the tints, shake off the constraining cloths.

I’m ready to venture, make trouble, seek mystery and find meaning.

I’ll climb walls put in place to stop me, swing from broken branches, tread tightropes and swim out far from what I’ve built.

It’s time to alter, to destruct. To burn bridges, shed layers and hang off edges of the earth.

I want magnificence and miracles, synchronicity and signs.

I’m thirsty for elixir. I need to be quenched, watered with morning dew.

There’s a stabbing in my chest telling me it is time to stand, tie up my bootlaces, be brave, put on my backpack. It’s time to leave.

I’ve heard the echo from the mountains. They’re calling me to visit, to touch their curves, taste extreme heights and roam free on distant land.

I want to converse with people whose language I can’t speak. I want to cast out restrictions and to witness, to listen. I want eyes and smiles to tell stories, laughter to infect, and to watch warm hands talking the language that we share.

I’ll ride motorbikes, wild horses, sail forbidden, forgotten seas. I’ll sleep with wolves, hunt with bears, soar with eagles and learn of love from passing swans.

I’ll navigate labyrinths with no compass, I’ll ask the stars to map out my routes.

I’ll step barefoot on stones towards my future as rainfall drowns out my past.

I have no care for borders, or boundaries or divisions. I’ll cross out labels, walk on lines, question rules and break down walls. This planet should not be complicated…it’s crazy that it’s “owned.”

I don’t want money, possessions, fast cars or worldly goods. I want to bathe in lakes and cook on fires, make melodies, share skills, create a new world.

I’ll sing with buskers under street lanterns as strangers twirl down bustling lanes.

I want to sleep on rooftops, rest in hammocks while watching fireflies in the sky. I’ll marvel at Jacques Fresco and explorers, fall in love, talk of stardust and read books to tantalise my mind.

I want to watch the day burn out and slowly die till it finally meets the dusk. I’ll tremble with thunderstorms, lightning strikes and allow hurricanes to catch my breath.

I need art museums in cities, smoky bars, guitars strumming wildly and to eat beside the lake. I want to bathe in clear rivers, take forest walks, road trips and let the wind dry off my hair.

I’ll fall for fantasy, fiction, reality and fairy tales. I need warriors, pirates and the caveman’s ruthless charm.

I want to tumble down rabbit holes and discover Atlantis, slide off rainbows and travel on wishing chairs.

I need to capture memories in my mind. I want to feel captivated, intoxicated and addicted to new life.

I don’t want to search. I don’t want to hold cards close or play safe games.

I want to be reckless. Gamble. Take risks.

I don’t want to wait. I cannot bear stillness any more.

I‘m ready to find. Ready to surrender myself.

I’m fueled with passion, rebellious, too curious for the calm.

I want to walk the rolled out roads with only footsteps and shadows to comfort me.

I want to meet with chaos then find safety in the sunrise.

I need to close my eyes. Step closer. I must have courage to believe.

As although there is darkness in the unknown…

Stars need darkness to shine.

I’m ready, to taste the truth.

To cause endless ripples and leave a trail of sugary madness.

I’ve been caged for far too long.



The Simplest, Most Powerful Life-Hack Ever.


Author: Alex Myles

Editor: Travis May

Photo: www.nicksfit.com (used with permission)


Bonus guilty pleasure:

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