December 18, 2015

Someday, I will be Loved.


sitting umbrella nature woman lady girl pink outside rain weather

“Not only did I love her, but I could tell the universe loved her, too. More than others, she was different. After all, I would be a fool to not notice the way the sunshine played with her hair.” ~ Christopher Poindexter

One day there will be a man who stays and chooses me each and every day—and I will be loved.

I will be loved for everything I am and the wonderment that spins of my own golden truth.

I will be loved for the moments of everything I’m not—because they will no longer be flaws, but the beauty of finding a silver lining within the darkest of storms.

There won’t be any lingering questions, and there will never be the feeling of the ball waiting to be dropped crushing my heart in the process.

Because the man who loves me will be rock steady—and not only will he know what he wants, he won’t have any problem pursuing it.

The man who loves me will see my value—possibly before others did, and he’s going to want to lock it up as soon as he can.

Because sometimes when we know, we just know.

I will be loved in between the spaces of day and night to the place where I can be held close enough to treasure forever.

My fears will fall to the ground as the golden leaves of autumn’s last stand.

I won’t cling to maybes and what ifs, and I will finally feel what it is like to have a man stand by my side as a true constant, weathering any storm that may arise.

I will finally know what it feels like to simply be loved.

I won’t have to struggle with carrying the secret heavy burdens of life all by myself—and at the end of the evening after I kiss and tuck my children into bed, there will be someone there to tuck me in as well.

There will be a man who will hold and protect me in all of the ways I have ever desired, yet never actually have.

As fiercely as he will protect me and my children, he will also love my intoxicating wildness enough to never want to change a single thing about me—except my last name.

And only if I should agree to it.

I’m not going to fight with him, trying to hang onto being Miss Independent, because I will realize that he’s the warrior I’ve been seeking all along.

Because someday, somehow—I will be loved.

I will be loved by a man who has amazing character—it’s not his bank account I will fall for, but his integrity.

He won’t be the man who seduced me with honey sweetened words, or those who promised me jewels and a trip to paradise.

But is the one who saw me when I was still invisible.

He will be the one who has seen me at my worst yet still chooses me.

And I will be loved in all of the clandestine ways my heart has longed for, with intentions tasting of authenticity and passion.

I will be loved not because it is easy or because is the right thing to do, but because it will be his only choice.

He won’t necessarily know what to do with me and the way I shake up his world—as a child with a snow globe—so his only option will be to hang on for the ride of his life.

Sometimes the only answer will be to take me into his strong arms at the end of the evening and tell me that I can be done for the day.

That I don’t have to do it all or always be strong.

That with him, I can just simply lay it all down and just be.

And that will be why I never leave.

Because someday, I will be loved in all of the ways I never have been, and it won’t be by someone who wishes to clip my wings or who only wants me on his arm to make himself look more appealing.

It will be a man who looks at me and can never seem to get enough of my enchanting mysteries.

Someday I will be loved and it won’t matter what he does for work, and it won’t matter how much money he has and it certainly won’t matter what type of car he drives.

The only precious thing that will matter is that he is going to hold me close and love me like no one else ever has.

Because for me, that is the type of astonishing wealth I am seeking.

I know that someday I will be loved—that someday, someone will choose to stay where others have only left.

I will be loved fully and completely. I will be loved underneath the gaze of the full moon and by the stream of first morning’s light.

One day a man will come into my life and will show me why I stayed single for as long as I did.

Because while I may or may not know him yet, I’m still waiting for him.

I knows that what I seek isn’t just casual company or men to distract me from what my heart really wants.

And maybe that is the most important thing I have realized—sometimes not just anyone will do.

I know that whether it’s tomorrow, next week or even next year, I will be loved.

I will be loved with the force of gentle hands and a wild spirit.

I will be loved with desire’s touch and a gentleman’s smile.

I will be loved with a courageous heart and a determined mind.

Because someday there will be nothing left to do, but love me.

In that moment, and the thousand that follow, conjuring every dream or wish my heart has ever made, I will be loved.

And that will be the beginning of everything.



All I Want for Christmas is You. {Adult}

Author: Kate Rose

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: Pixoto 


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