March 1, 2016

Jyotish Sidereal Horoscopes for the Waning Moon Cycle. {February 22nd to March 8th}

waning moon

*Eleditor’s note: Astrology isn’t a religion. We’re not sure it’s a science, either. It’s magic, maybe. But, as with feng shui, say, things affect things. So as long as we don’t go blaming our problems on the stars, as long as we assume responsibility for our own actions…well, hell, a little auspicious coincidence and applicable wisdom can’t hurt. And so, with that grain of salt…enjoy!

*Vedic Astrology, or Jyotish, is one of the oldest sciences on the planet and considered a relative of astronomy. It is an important and valuable part of the ancient Vedic texts. This complex, logic-based and also intuitive science, has survived thousands of years in India’s Vedic tradition and is still considered a highly valuable tool of guidance and life insight. It is not a religion, but rather a philosophical understanding of human and cosmic existence. In Sanskrit, jyoti means light. Essentially, the study of jyotish is the study of light and how we interact with the cosmic light—within us and within the cosmos. Vedic astrology, or the sidereal approach to astrology, casts charts differently than Western, or Tropical astrology. The meanings, implications and purpose of jyotish is therefor different, as are the details used for prediction and the indications given below.

During the waning moon cycle, creative and imaginal energies shape-shift into new forms. This invites in change through release and letting go.

Doors will be opening, yet others will be closing simultaneously. Focus on making this process of opening and closing conscious. Find harmony and balance with this dance of yes and no. In order for greater expansion, you must be willing to set free what is no longer supportive or helpful for your path. Can you be radically honest about this?

*Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart.

Aries: It’s necessary for you to start looking in the dark corners of your being. The unconscious, subconscious, hidden territory is a potent resource for change and transformation in the coming weeks and months. Don’t neglect your challenges, fears, haunts and grief. This landscape is vital in order for you to liberate yourself from old karmas.

Taurus: Practice opening and closing the doors of your heart. Let the chambers of your inner realms coax you inward. Learn the art of giving and receiving. Discover the sacred art of listening. Use the resources you are gathering as offerings for the world. Share your wisdom and the awareness you are meeting along the path.

Gemini: It’s a very dharmic time for you. Listen carefully to messages—internally and externally—that will clarify your path and purpose. Let spirit be a guiding force to support your clarity. Be courageous in your creative actions and use your artistic strength for building new momentum.  Heal and work through challenges with new passion, but find a balanced approach to this process.

Cancer: Delve into your inner terrain with creativity and ingenuity. Turn on the light through insight, new resources and spiritual support. You’re learning how to balance your inner power in more stable, authentic ways. Your ability to clear away the rubble and make space for your power will maximize your results.  It may feel unclear and unstable right now, but trust that as you take steps forward and backward, you are actually learning how to dance.

Leo: Your heart work is helping you find a new sense of balance and inner harmony. The doors to your emotional body are opening and closing. Parts of you are ready to charge forward and boldly embrace your passion, while there is still resistance and caution preventing full steam ahead. Trust the pauses and the need for slow and steady steps. This is also your wisdom reminding you to listen more closely to your needs.

Virgo: Your healing process is deepening. What are you harvesting from this process of awakening a sense of releasing and honesty? This is your liberation process. You are finally letting go of very old wounds and finding resources to support this path. Awaken your sensuality, creative intelligence and artistry. Use your hands and your art-making process passionately.

Libra: Work on maximizing your nourishment and your ability to receive. What parts of you are saying yes? What parts of yourself are saying no? Your emotional body holds the clues to help you expand your ability to hold and contain more resources, support and abundance. Are you working with them or against them? Explore your child-like senses, sensuality and romance.

Scorpio: Parts of you are saying yes, while other parts of you are saying no. There is a divine balance being cultivated within you, a deepening trust in the universe and her support. Can you trust the nourishment to arrive? Can you receive its richness? Keep moving away from the fear, doubts and uncertainty. Stand firmly, ground, land, extend your roots deeply.

Sagittarius: Use creative courage to explore relationships, connections, career and dharmic purpose. How can your hands inform this process? Find a new rhythm with your liberation process. Use meditation, retreats and alone time to stoke your inner passion. Dive deep. Your dharmic work is your main focus at this time.

Capricorn: Nourishment, nourishment, nourishment! Say yes to all that brings you a sense of being nourished and well-fed by life. Who and what feeds your soul? Radically move towards these resources of joy and pleasure. Cut away and release the habits, actions and choices that leave you depleted and in survival mode. Gains will come when you are clear about these choices.

Aquarius: Doors are opening and closing, people are moving towards you and away. You are learning what to say yes to and what is a clear no. Clarify this knowing and listen closely to the messages coming. Radically release the people, places and things that don’t serve your forward momentum. Be fierce in your actions, but take plenty of time for sacred pauses.

Pisces: Liberation, healing and dharma are your soul’s focus right now. Let nothing stand in your way of activating and awakening this process. Gather new resources, guidance and support for this journey and take diligent action steps. Cultivating balance between inner and outer is essential at this time. Can you balance your need to pause and deeply listen, with the necessity of potent actions?

*All timing is given in Pacific Standard Time Zone.

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Relephant bonus:


Author: Saraswati J.

Editor: Caitlin Oriel

Image: Holger Vaga/Flickr

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