July 27, 2008

elephant camp: Elyon’s Natural Marshmallows!?

It’s nice when hipster hippies hop on fixie bikes to go to farmers’ markets to buy local organic produce and local free-range meats etc. That’s green being green. 

What’s reallllllllllly nice, however, is when green light penetrates un-green recesses of American life. I’m not talking hybrid SUVs, now, I’m talking…natural marshmallows. Now your average marshmallow, aside from sugar or sacharine or chemicals, is pure fat. So when we got Elyon’s Fat Free all natural Kosher Israel-made marshmallows in the mail for review, recently, I laughed. But after combining with some Endangered Species chocolate bars, which conveniently came in the same package, and some Mi-Lo Graham Crackers…I was a convert. The marshmallows actually tasted better.

Now all I need is a vacation up in the mountains where it’s legal to start a campfire.

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