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Cheerful 55th Birthday, Mr. President!
Eight years ago, just before Barack Obama was elected, I made the famous-last-words claim that so many are now making: should the horror story of the election (then a victorious McCain/Palin ticket) come to pass, I would move out of the country.
Of course, Obama won. Riding high on a wave of hope and change, the man charmed a nation with his idealism and became the first black commander-in-chief.
(Side note: I moved anyway, to Guatemala in 2009, and haven’t looked back.)
Now, President Obama hasn’t lived up to the hype. (Who could, really?) He failed to create a utopia on Earth in his two terms. He had a tough job in a tough system.
Still, Mr. Obama has achieved much during his presidency, and his legacy will be long.
Moreover, he appears to be a solid person, a heartfelt human being who comes across as intelligent, funny, thoughtful, wise and, most of all, real. These are rare and cherished traits in a world leader.
And, he carries a tiny Buddha around in his pocket. Swoon!
The fact that the Republican nominee (He Who Shall Not Be Named) happens to be a filthy-rich, politically-inexperienced, racist, sexist, dangerously ignorant demagogue only makes our Obama shine brighter. How we wish he could serve a third term!
A class act, those Obamas. They will be missed.
Thank you, Mr. President, and cheerful birthday!
Author: Michelle Margaret Fajkus
Images: The White House/Flickr
Editor: Toby Israel
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