August 12, 2016

Are You With Me?

Image: Sandra/Flicker

A few days ago I found myself sitting next to a very interesting gentleman on an airplane.

He looked at me and said, “You can write. I can tell.” And I laughed. Nervously. But I agreed, I could. When he found out that I was actually a writer, our conversation took an unexpected detour.

He asked me what I usually write about, and I paused for a moment. He was looking at me, waiting. I told him honestly the first thing that came to my mind. I shared with him that when I write, I try to bring people who are reading my words on a journey back into the present moment. He continued to look at me, and so I continued to explain.

I told this man that I look around me and most people I see aren’t actually with me. They aren’t here. They’re elsewhere in their thoughts, in their past or their future. So, I aim to bring them back to the moment.

This moment.

Right now.

Are you with me?

Breathe with me.

Appreciate this moment for what it is with me.

Join me here.

Let us unwrap it like a shared gift to mankind, and treat it as such.



20 Ways to Connect to the Present Moment.


Author: Molly Murphy

Image: Sandra/Flickr

Apprentice Editor: Molly Murphy 


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