September 26, 2016

Soma In A Cup. {Simple Ayurvedic Recipe for Rejuvenation}

Kevin Simpson

Create soma instantly with this simple Ayurvedic recipe.

Soma is considered the divine nectar of the gods in the Vedic tradition. It is pure life force energy and is believed to bring immortality.

The moon offers direct access to soma and will help your own body create powerful health from its golden, filtered sun light.

As the moon fills each month, we have access to this nectar more fully. At the time of the New Moon, soma is less available and replenishing your inner reserves is necessary. As Venus (life force, Shakti) is debilitated this month, it’s an ideal time to be attending to health, vitality and wellness more carefully.

This nourishing drink will support more health, well being and physical resiliency. I call my version the Maha Date Milkshake: the cure for what ails you!

This Ayurvedic recipe is the ultimate soma producer. Feeling burned out? Taxed? Energize from the inside out. Here’s my recipe for instant nourishment:

– 2 cups whole milk (preferably raw or non homogenized)
– 3 whole dates, pitted
– Small handful of peeled almonds
– 1/2 tsp ground turmeric
– 2-3 organic rose buds (or 1 tsp sweet rose petal jam)
– 3 whole cardamom pods (black seeds only)

Bring the milk and herbs to a gentle boil and remove from the heat.

In a blender, combine the dates and almonds.

Add the milk and herb mixture, and blend until it is smooth and frothy. Voila!


Join me for a *free* 14 Day Emotional Body Challenge! I’ll be sharing resources, tools and extra guidance to navigate these choppy cosmic tides in the coming weeks. Get the Details 


Author: Saraswati J.

Images: Flickr/David Simpson  ;  Flickr/thedabbalist

Editor: Erin Lawson & Ashleigh Hitchcock

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