July 29, 2008

Frank Capra believes in Global Warming: Video.

Global Warming: Old News

The images are eerily familar. Icebergs crashing into the sea. Traffic on highways. Smokestacks. Seems this inconvenient truth is something we’re gonna have to face sooner or later…and as a society we’re like, “mmm, let’s go with ‘later.'”

Many of us have seen this video before, when it last made the viral rounds. This week, the Red, Green and Blue blog re-reminded me of this old timey video.

From text accompanying the video itself: “For FIFTY YEARS scientists have known about global warming. This exerpt is from the well known educational documentary “Unchained Goddess” produced by Frank Capra for Bell Labs for their television program “The Bell Telephone Hour.” It was so well made, that it went on to live a continued life in middle school science classrooms across the nation for decades.

Nearly half a century before Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth,” this film was made. But what does it reveal? That our scientists have known for over two generations about this danger, but our politicians and citizenry have chosen to ignore the dangerous implications of this fact until it really is too late to avoid the preventable consequences.

Perhaps we deserve our fate.”

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