November 17, 2016

So nice to hear from Jon Stewart on this Election.

jon stewart trump

Jon Stewart on the promise of America, President Trump & the hypocrisy of Liberals (and all of us).

“Jon Stewart on President-elect Trump, hypocrisy in America.” Mirror for those outside the USA.

From Reddit: “That bit about liberals painting Trump voters with one brush while criticizing Trump voters with one brush is very true. Its something I’ve struggled with the last few weeks, trying to understand how to see Trump voters as not a group of racist, bigoted people. Its something good to hear in what can easily become an echo-chamber.”

More on that from elephant editor Waylon Lewis:

“America, America—oh holy grand great and hard America, noble America, generous America, upside-down America and war America, peaceful America the beautiful…we need to all remember that we are, all, in this together. A leaky boat and we all sink. Prudent decisions and we all rise. But how can we see eye to eye, when we are blinded by preconception, pre-judgement…you know, prejudice?” 🇺🇸 Well, let’s examine the sickness that we might apply the cure. 🇺🇸 Let’s define partisan. To me, it means you have a pre-conception: that whatever Democrats do, I might support them. That whatever Trump does, I might hate or fear him. Or vice-versa. That is partisanship. 🇺🇸 I do not believe in it. I support and agree with moderate Republicans and independents frequently. Extreme liberals irritate me, sometimes, in their calls for safe spaces that run counter to the free speech our democracy upholds in our first amendment. 🇺🇸 I am a Democrat. I did support Hillary, and Bernie before her. I would do so again. I do regard Trump as a selfish, wild, dishonest man. But I do not view his voters as such. And I am not a Democrat because of preconceptions, but rather because I look for those candidates who will support all Americans, not the very rich merely. Who will fight climate change, and support science. Who support equal rights, and healthcare affordability and reform. Who will avoid foreign wars unless vital. 🇺🇸 So I wind up, typically, being liberal. If a conservative supported the above, I’d be conservative. 🇺🇸 Finally, if @elephantjournal features few articles that are conservative, that’s because our conservative fans seem to only leave angry comments, but do not take me up on my regular and sincere invitations to send a thoughtful, fact-based article in. 🇺🇸 You haven’t, I assume? elephantjournal.com/submit

A photo posted by Waylon Lewis (@waylonlewis) on

After Jon Stewart left “The Daily Show” last summer, much of the presidential campaign went on without his unique and satirical point of view. Charlie Rose met with Stewart to discuss his new book about the more than 16 years he spent at the Comedy Central program. Stewart was quick to give his post-election analysis.

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