December 16, 2016

Alike: A Short Film about Unschooling.

Screen Shot Alike

The world is a beautiful place.

If we only open our eyes and heart,  we can see that it is bright, full of colors and that there is music everywhere.

In the short film Alike, the Spanish directors Daniel Martinez Lara and Rafa Cano Mendez remind us of the
importance of letting our children be children.

Kids are driven by curiosity, by passion and a sense of freedom that so many times is slowly taken away by the social machine in which they grow up.

Let’s be rebels. Let’s teach our children to be rebels.

Let the young ones be open to life, to love, to art and to nature.

Let them find the music and dance. Let them find the colors and paint.

Teach them to share love.

Give them the opportunity of creation, of imagination and adventure.

Let them play.

Cultivate mindfulness for the future.

Author: Montse Leon

Image: Video Still

Apprentice Editor: Montse Leon


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