March 18, 2017

Before & After Homelessness.

When confronted by Poverty & Homelessness, Trump councils no Love. Here’s what can happen when Empathy is Offered.


Via Reddit: Homeless man’s reaction to his complete makeover (i.imgur.com)

Here is the full story—this happened in 2015, but they just recently released the video.

Jose Antonio is now living in a shared apartment which is partly being paid for by an anonymous donor. He’s also actively searching for a full-time job.

This makes me so happy. I hope he builds up his life back.

Here’s another update: he’s parking cars for people now! Definitely a good improvement – not everyone has the same positive outcome, but it’s great when it works out. 

…small deeds really can make a huge difference in someone’s life. I don’t usually like to toot my own horn, but here’s just one example of what impact a small interaction can make. I may gotten lucky to have had such an impact, but I think we all hold the power to create meaningful and lasting change, even if it’s for a single person. Of course, the other person must be willing to change themselves for the better as well.

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