May 4, 2017

This is for the Passionless Ones. {Poem}

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This one is for the hummingbirds

the cross-pollinators

the ones who don’t tie their identity to a singular post



or title.

This is for the doers

the ones who get sh*t done at work

and go home

to do their other work.

The writers like Elizabeth Gilbert

who get rejection after rejection

yet year after year

come home smelling like somebody else’s french fries

to do the work anyway.

This is for the painters



and poets who also dream of being designers



and CEOs.

This is for the ones who are not intimidated by the word passion

because they know that even though they may not have

an explosive flame to shine bright into the world

they have a sea of bioluminescence waiting to touch sand


and naked skin.

This is for the mothers who dream of being more than somebody’s mother

the daughters who go against their father’s wishes

and sons who do not bear the weight of bread-winning alone.

Our extrovert society has a hard-on for passion

for a single focus

and throws shame

for not knowing who you are at age three

or 30.

Yet the most interesting people to meet

are the ones who still don’t know

what they want to be when they grow up

at age 75

the ones who sit on a pile of experiences




bringing the best of each world together

running from flower to flower.

From the outside this may look like chaos

but this is a dance

that gives the world colour

and life.

Dear hummingbirds

go do all your damn things.

We desperately need you too.


Author: Annabelle Blythe
Image: Author’s Own
Editor: Nicole Cameron

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