May 11, 2017

For the Ones who Struggle with Self-Worth.

A post shared by annabelle (@annabelleblythe) on


As humans, we are constantly running from the pursuit of one happiness to the pursuit of another.

Very rarely are we able to sit mindfully in the present, in the knowledge that where we are is exactly where we need to be.

Very rarely do we feel that we are enough as we are—externally and internally.

Very rarely do we feel that there is not a constant moving goalpost in front of us, keeping the feeling of fulfillment just out of our reach.

For those like me, who struggle with not feeling like we are enough for this world, for our loved ones, and most importantly, for ourselves, repeat after me until you’ve given these words a home in your heart:


You are enough.

Your legs are enough.

Your breasts are enough.

Your lips are enough.

Your hair is enough.

Your education is enough.

Your upbringing is enough.

Your mother is enough.

Your passion is enough.

Your curiosity is enough.

Your sex drive is enough.

Your desire is enough.

Your voice is enough.

Your clothes are enough.

Your apartment is enough.

Your city is enough.

Your driving skills are enough.

Your income is enough.

Your job is enough.

Your hobbies are enough.

Your pleasures are enough.

Your partner is enough.

Your mind is enough.

Your lungs are enough.

Your heart is more than enough.

You are beautifully human—and you are enough.



Author: Annabelle Blythe
Image: Author’s Own
Editor: Nicole Cameron

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