June 27, 2017

From Death, I was Born Again. {Poem}

My tryst with writing as a creative outlet happened in the early years of my childhood, starting with self-composed random jingles and short poems until it transformed into a natural flow of deeper thoughts as a diary compilation.

This poem was written two years after my mother’s death—with life taking a 360-degree turn for me.

Being the eldest sibling, I had to transform my role as a sister to that of a mother, taking care of my two younger sisters along with my father. While my mother’s death was a major blow for me, it gave me the opportunity to step out of my shell and realize my capabilities, which in a way was similar to being born again.

Born Again

Gazing at the banana tree,
awash with the falling rain.
The iron grills in between,
reminding me of the worlds
in and out!

Laughter of the clouds
bursting into tears—
from spheres to drops
on top of the tree.
Head on!

Old, torn leaves at the top
bent dejectedly under the weight
of the waters; the same waters
on the new leaves now fall.
For the young greens know not yet
what the waters could do.
Fluttering from the stem,
they are tickled by the drops.
What a day!

For neither aware they are
what bending under the weight
of things means, nor do they bother.
It is for the adults to worry, not the
young, carefree!

A young leaf I was, too.
Holding onto the stem I did
flutter, unaware of the weights falling.
The stem gave away, and down I fell.
What a blow!

On the ground now that I lay,
heavy raindrops hit me bare.
I yearned for the stem that held me;
Dilapidated remains now beside me.
I passed out!

The sun was smiling onto my face.
Eyes open, birds soaring high.
On top of my world, fluttering again,
I stood. Younger leaves beneath me now grew.

I was born again.


Author: Juno Negi
Image: Pixabay
Editor: Leah Sugerman
Copy Editor: Danielle Beutell
Social Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

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