November 23, 2017

So You Wanna be a Spiritual Entrepreneur?

Entrepreneur was probably one of my first words.

Mispronounced and not fully understood, sure, but it is engrained in my mind.

“What does your daddy do, Michal?”

“My dad is an umm…entree-pray-newer.” 

Years later, I worked for a powerhouse business owner at a gluten-free bakery. She had been a boss-lady on Wall Street, a gemologist, and now a bona-fide healthy and miraculous baker—making delicious allergy-compliant treats.

In my years working with her she taught me so much: about blood-type (why I shouldn’t have been a vegan), about food systems, and about relationships (she would screen every boyfriend I brought in and come up with alarmingly spot-on predictions.)

But most of all, she warned: “If there is one thing you remember from what I tell you, do not open your own business.”

I didn’t need the warning.

I had seen my father’s struggles. Working endless hours, the rollercoasters of emotions—from success to losing it all. Total responsibility, total consumption.

And now wonder-woman shared some more wisdom: “It’s the only job where you really can never relax. You never leave the office. You never “turn off” for the day and just go home.”

So naturally, here I am, running my own business.

My business is me, my purpose on this planet. Passing on the gems of wisdom I have harvested from my own journey, knowledge, and innate gifts. Sharing truths and learning from masters and teachers around the world, with my own twist, my own delivery, my own energy.

There is one thing I am meant to do—and I am doing it.

My name is Michal and I am a spiritual entrepreneur.

Being a spiritual entrepreneur means following our soul’s purpose and doing only that. I am my own business.

Investing in myself spiritually, emotionally, and physically, is of benefit to my success as well as to the people that I touch and influence in my work.

Clarity, grounding, spiritual nourishment—these are the assets to a spiritual entrepreneur.

I do what I love, I am completely authentically me, my work is a reflection of my soul. I follow my dreams, chase my bliss, am uncompromising in my standards.

AndI’m not alone.

There is an ever-changing new way of being that is revealing itself—one where we are conscious, connected, and not plagued by the illusion of separation. The way we care for our bodies, the way we relate to one another, and the way we choose to spend our lives—career included, is changing.

I like to think of the human existence as an ant colony; when each individual creature is totally in tune with their individual sense of self and purpose, the colony as a collective can run smoothly.

We all have a purpose, a mission, and a set of unique gifts that when tapped into serves the highest purpose for ourselves and helps to create a healthy and joyous community on earth.

Want to leave your 9-5? Here’s what you should know first:

Let growth be your middle name. Sometimes the hardest thing to do in life (and when you start your business) is to let it be easy, to jump into a new way of being.

It’s meant to be easy. That’s the hardest bit.

Many of us have watched our parents struggle and work hard to get what they wanted, indoctrinated with the belief that that we have to work hard to succeed (and to deserve success). We have also been made to believe that our work and our passions are two separate things. That fun is just for the weekends and two weeks of paid vacation per year.

The world tells us that money doesn’t grow on trees—and it doesn’t. But there’s nothing wrong with realizing that being compensated financially for our gifts is okay.

Boundaries are your best friend—for more success and more joy in your business and in your life.
Remember that friend who calls you her “free therapist”? Well, this is what you do for a profession. You are no-ones “free” anything. Friends will ask for discounts on your work, true friends will want to compensate you fully for your gifts, and support you in living a life of abundance. If your friends get ticked off by this, redirect them and explain that investing in themselves is important too.

Boundaries also apply for paying clients. You stick to structures: starting on time, not going over (unless you find it necessary,) and taking time off to rest and recharge. Boundaries of time, self-care, and respect are a crucial ingredient for a thriving business and life.

Internal work is the elixir for your success. Your first responsibility as a spiritual entrepreneur is to keep the “channel” clear. This means nourishing your body with the right foods, enough rest, loving relationships, and spiritual practices to make sure you are in your best space to serve. Taking yoga classes, going for healing sessions, going on cleanses, finding the routine that works best for you, and treating your body like the temple it is means being in this for the long haul. Delivering your gifts needs to be sustainable.

Some of my clients want to start a thriving career and be their own bosses. Some are joyously engaged and driven by purpose working for a company they love. Remember the ant colony analogy? Find what it is that you want to do, and make it happen. And, if it’s working for yourself—remember the suggestions above and know that the universe and the other coaches, healers, and leaders around you (who have “made” it—whatever this looks like for you) are here to support you in making it happen.

For when you live according to your passion and gifts, you are your best self—shining your brightest light and joining with all of us to light the whole world up.


Author: Michal Hochman
Image: Flickr
Editor: Jen Schwartz
Copy Editor: Lieselle Davidson

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