February 1, 2018

How to use our Inner-Light to Heal the World.

With the television blaring “fake” news from across the globe, social media screaming our friends’ and workmates’ event invitations at us, text messages chiming constantly, and missed calls on mobile phones—all done to the sounds of thunderous traffic outside with engines growling and honking—where is the peace? 

Is this how life is supposed to be?

Who are we, really, in the midst of this cacophony of distractions?

It seems, predominately, the work of the “masculine mind” that has created these machinations. Nature has an in-built harmony or equilibrium. City life has removed this harmony and replaced it with either planned or unplanned annihilation of natural elements.

The masculine control and domination is starting to break down as seen by a series of revelations coming out of the planet’s entertainment hub that is Hollywood. Traditionally, narcissists (particularly male ones) have been rewarded consistently for their hard-nosed bullying, abuse (often sexual), control, and fear-based suppression of others. The counter to this is transparency, fairness, justice, equality, and mostly kindness, love, and compassion.

Those politically or physically weaker (traditionally women and children), and those not in the controlling white-European racial group, are starting to speak up and demand that their voices are heard. Justice is the liberation of all of our hearts.

When one person suffers, we all carry that burden as a collective. The collective unconsciousness of the world is saying “enough is enough.”

Animals and nature too are also crying out to be heard. Will we hear their suffering and learn from their wisdom? The domination of nature and its animal souls is merely a continuation of the suppression of those in power.

Yet, we are all involved in this injustice.

The drama in the world represents merely growing pains on a collective level. The suffering may seem overwhelming, but it is bringing us closer to awareness. This is not to condone violence and inhumane treatment of people, animals, and nature; it is to rise above the drama and see things from a higher perspective.

We are all connected to the oneness that is life. We are not separate, although it seems we are. The totality of life is deeper than the ocean, more endless than the sky. Peace is in the harmony, and in the infinite nature of the whole, the perfect composition of different elements.

When in doubt, remember to sing the song of the butterfly for, as Maya Angelou once said, “Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”

If that seems utopian or dreamy, simplify. A butterfly has to struggle to emerge from its casing. The struggle builds strength in its wings. Once it can break through its cocoon, its magical wings will allow it to fly. If the chrysalis is unable to break through the casing on its own, it will shrivel and die. This is what is happening now on an individual and planetary level.

We are awakening.

All of what is happening has innate lessons and is unfolding in just the right way to show us something—to help us learn to see things for how they are; to understand.

Consciousness is rising. Gradually, people are becoming increasingly aware of the confusion, paradoxes, corruption, and deception inherent within the system. The hierarchy that is based on a pyramid of power is becoming more tenuous as “the elite” are having their reputations called into question. The greater the transparency in all spheres of life, the more we can understand, act with wisdom and compassion, and create better solutions for all of humanity.

Our Source is pure spirit, free, eternal, peaceful, blissful, and inherently creative. Remember what it was to be birthed into the world, an innocent child awakened to limitless possibilities, creation, and the joy of being a child of God.

The rest is the illusion of separation.

All our challenges come down to the false perception that we are separate from Source, and that we are somehow “not enough,” “less than,” “incomplete,” “not worthy,” “not good enough.”

We are not separate from Source. Look within to see. Marcus Aurelius called the inner world a “fountain of good.”

The musician Alanis Morissette writes:

“The truth of who we are is innate goodness, and the whole journey is really about removing any obstacle or false belief that keeps us from knowing that.”

In consciousness, we are whole and complete. Keep honing this awareness, and coming back to its purity and simplicity. As a wellspring of nourishment, it is this goodness that sustains us.

What is important to innate goodness? What would innate goodness do now?


Keep shining your inner light of goodness—whatever the external storms.




Author: David Zenon Starlyte
Image: Memesville
Editor: Travis May
Copy Editor: Callie Rushton


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