March 22, 2018

When Life feels Stressful—

10 Mindful, actually-Helpful Things to do when Life feels Scary.

When money’s tight and hard to get…

…and your horse has also ran…

…when all you’ve got is a heap o’debt…

…a pint of plain is your only man.

~ Flann O’Brien


Life is uncertain. Something goes well, something falls apart. A dream comes true, a dream turns into something else. There’s no keeping it all together. Life is like whitewater, sometimes. Other times, it’s a calm, even boring stream. Sometimes, it’s a stagnant pool and you want to row forward. In any case, it’s a flowing river, and we don’t know where it’s taking us.

That uncertainty, Pema Chodron and Buddhism remind us, is okay. Life is fragile, and precious, and should be lived for joyful benefit.

But there is one solution to that uncertainty. It’s to be kind to yourself. Not kind to your ego—it’s important to remain open to criticism, to listen, to keep your sweet heart exposed to life. But—it’s vital to learn to be kind to yourself.

You can read about maitri, here. Then, please, for your own good—practice it daily.

Yours in Creating Enlightened Society


Waylon H. Lewis

Two Videos: How to Deal with Defeat; and Top 10 Things to do when your Life has gone to Sh+t.

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