March 29, 2018

Courage Looks like This.

I am stronger than that.

I don’t need to be strong for him, or her, my mom or dad. I don’t need to be stronger for any one person.

I am stronger than the energy of darkness. I am stronger than the energy of fear. I am stronger than the energy of shame.

I am stronger than a bully, a perpetrator. I am stronger than violence, and I am stronger than the past.

I am stronger than the old stories. I am stronger than abuse. I am stronger than thinking I don’t matter.

I am stronger than all of that.

I am more than the emotional wave. I am stronger than I look. I am stronger than loud voices. I am stronger than a fist.

All of these things cannot break me because they were never mine in the first place.

I am the wind, the ocean, the trees in the forest, the stones covering the ground, the leaves responding to the wind. I am the cry of a wolf leading its pack and a baby laughing.

I am a bully; I am your mother and your father. I am shame and confidence. I am peace and violence. I am pride and joy.

I am all of it.

I am the earth. I am you.



Eight Things About Courage that You Nearly Forgot.


Author: Jessica Oshier
Image: Author’s own 
Editor: Angel Lebailly
Copy & Social Editor: Sara Kärpänen

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Jessica Oshier

Image: Mitchell Hartley / Unsplash

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