May 1, 2018

The Dance of Deliverance. {Poem}

A post shared by Angela Meyer (@budokonangela) on

And then, one day, she opened her eyes—

feeling the weight of a silent morning,

smiling at the empty spaces,

without a headache or a heartache.

Sediments of anger settled deep

turning over to kiss her comic tragedy on the cheek,

she no longer feared the fire.


Destruction lost its power to board up her heart.

And instead of drowning the ancient beast,

she burned down instead.

Rolling in the ashes,

reaching down into earthy mess

she found her war paint

to highlight the scars.


Her face dirty in radiant glory,

glowing with resurrection legends of freedom.

Her mouth wide open

unleashing a wild banshee wail

to unlock cage doors of black and white borders.

No longer sentenced to a life of shoulds and shouldn’ts.

Bailed out of conformity.


My friends—

risk being burned for what you love,

for your own soul’s liberation.

Let it hurt like hell,

because on the other side is your deliverance.

Blaze ferociously

until pure water rushes through your veins—

healing tidal waves, brave enough to fight fires.


Let yourself fall over and over

because the tide will always return,

in the soft glow of moonlight.

Learn to flow with humor and grace,

trust that your tears will not drown you.

Get back up,

reintroduce yourself

with a wink and a smile,

unshakable in your bones.


Let go of the incessant need for control,

every detail of every day,

remember the little one inside

who saw through untamed eyes

a magical world of possibility.

Turn toward your tender, fragile heart—

give her a hug.

Let her know she’s gonna be okay.


Do not fear what is yours yet to know—

call out to the ancestors

who sang stories written from stars

combusting into nothingness and everything-ness.

You are a blip on the screen.

“Let the beauty you love be what you do.”

Feel it all

until the small drops

merge with a raging ocean of love,

an endless horizon,

depths we cannot yet see.


Dive down—

there is always a way back up

through the indomitable force of our human resilience.

A relentless spirit—

It is yours.

It is mine.

It is ours.



I don’t need a Savior or a Superhero.


Author: Angela Meyer
Image: Instagram @budokonangela
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Copy Editor: Kenni Linden

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